APEC Summit 2012 in Vladivostok

Today, the Asia-Pacific economies clearly emphasize innovative development priorities in all sectors. Developing effective systems of integration is extremely important for usVekselberg said. More...
I am highly impressed by Vladivistok and Russky Island. Being the head of the “Skolkovo” innovation center, I was very much interested to find out how they managed to create in such short time period and on such absolutely underdeveloped territory an urbanistic and research-educational center. It’s nice to see that plans, which were announced three years ago, were fully fulfilled. Those uneasy engineering and architectural solutions, put into life here, show serious technical and construction engineering potential of Russia in realization of such high-scale projectsViktor Vekselberg said. More...
A cooperation agreement was just signed between the Foundation and the Far Eastern Federal University and I hope that that the “Skolkovo” Foundation will be a very active participant in the next of university’s developmentViktor Vekselberg, president of the Foundation, said at a briefing at the APEC summit. More...
The financing of the “Skolkovo” project will remain as it was planned, volumes of financing won’t change and may even be slightly increasedViktor Vekselberg said at a briefing at the APEC-2012 Business Summit. More...


Twenty-fourth annual meeting of APEC leaders for the first time be held in Russia (Vladivostok, Russian Island) from 2 to 9 September 2012.

Objectives of the summit:

  • trade and investment liberalization, regional economic integration
  • strengthening food security
  • establishing reliable supply chains
  • intensive cooperation to foster innovative growth


Summit website: www.apec2012.ruwww.apec.org

Accreditation for workshops: http://rus.apec2012.ru/docs/about/accreditation.html

The main objects of the APEC Summit 2012 in Vladivostok


Stand Foundation "Skolkovo" at APEC 2012