On March 10-11 in Cambridge, UK , the Skolkovo Foundation held the First International Forum of Russian-Speaking Specialists in the Field of Science and Technology.


 (Edward Crawley, a MIT professor invited to Skolkovo University, taking the floor at the First International Forum of Russian-Speaking Science and Technology Professionals, which took place in Cambridge in mid-March. Source: Press Photo)

At a conference of about 100 experts from more than 25 countries discussed the possibilities of the development of science in Russia.

"I was overwhelmed by the interest in the innovation city shown by scientists who had at some time left Russia," the president of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (SkolTeh) Professor Edward Crawley said. "In a few weeks we got a hundred and fifty applications, and almost all of them were from these Russian scientists who are willing to come back and teach at the university."

Among the Russian diaspora there is the potential for great interest in the development of national science and participation in concrete and interesting projects.

According to the participants of the forum, there should be properly establish channels of communication between the parties. General awareness by foreign scientists of scientific innovation processes in Russia is often very vague.

The only remaining question is whether Russia is ready to take back its scientists and provide them with the conditions that would allow them to work as effectively as abroad.

"Skolkovo is carved out of the context of our country's territory. There it is possible to implement all the positive things that we, Russians, have in us," chief executive officer for education and research of the Skolkovo Foundation Oleg Alekseev told discussion participants.

Much attention at the conference was given to projects in the field of science and education. Therefore, its members were mostly scientists from universities and research centers.

The main point of attraction for overseas Russian scientists should not be the innovation city itself, but the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology ("SkolTech") created with the assistance of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

"Believe me, MIT would not participate in the project if it had no real prospects," SkolTech rector Edward Crowley said.

Chief executive officer for education and research at the Skolkovo Foundation Oleg Alekseev:

"We are faced with the task of forming a successful private education institution - the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. According to the program, we need to attract 200 professors who would be engaged in educational activities and in research.

At the forum, it was very important for us not only to widely introduce a new school and discuss the issues of attracting professors to SkolTech, but also to discuss the problem with people competent in modern research of organization management, especially applied. How can we effectively build a connection between fundamental and applied research at the new institute?"

The initiatives of SkolTech demonstrated to participants of the Cambridge forum possibilities for active participation, both in the establishment of the university and the organization of research centers.

"We are even ready to act as the organizers and sponsors of such forums to help our fellow citizens take an opportunity to reflect on the very concept of developing scientific cooperation. We hope that this forum will contribute significantly to the strengthening of the position of the Russian-speaking community in Russia. And the rise of their scientific relations with Russian innovators. This, in turn will no doubt enable our country to more actively influence science on a global scale and give it the confidence to defend its interests in the global market of innovative technologies," Oleg Alekseev said after the conference.