continues its series on innovators in the metals industry, speaking this week to one of the founders of Skolkovo resident FerrAl-Tech, a high-tech startup that is developing a novel way of removing the oxygen from steel during the steelmaking process.

Killed steel. Photo:

Maxim Seleznev, 52, claims he can save companies up to 40 percent of their expenditure on the deoxidization process by using an iron aluminum alloy rather than simple aluminum to suppress the formation of gas bubbles. If air remains inside the steel, it comprimises the end product's strength and, therefore, quality.

It is the latest example of Skolkovo-supported research in metallurgy driven by the Efficient-Energy cluster. Their recent event at the Hypercube, “An Innovation Lift in Metallurgy,” presented startup technology to big market players in a push to implement and commercialize the latest discoveries and innovations in the sector.

Last week, revealed how a resident startup is producing cheaper and greener steelmaking slag. This week sees a switch from byproduct to main product as Seleznev, the founder of energy startup FerrAl-Tech, discusses his team’s more economical approach to a critical part of the steelmaking process.

An iron aluminum alloy submerges deep into the steel in the deoxidization process. Photo: Igor Seleznev What is FerrAl and how does it improve upon existing deoxidization materials?

Maxim Seleznev: “FerrAl is a near-completely dense mixture of aluminum and steel particles, and therefore it is much heavier than aluminum. Since it is much heavier, in accordance with Archimedes' principle it submerges much deeper into liquid steel when dumped into it, and allows for its aluminum constituent to react with oxygen dissolved in steel much more efficiently than light aluminum that immediately floats to the surface like a cork in water. Companies could actually save up to 40 percent on deox aluminum costs depending on their steelmaking process technology.” 


What is it exactly that FerrAl-Tech offers?

'Skolkovo presents an excellent opportunity to tap the Russian market and build a platform for international expansion' - FerrAl-Tech founder Maxim Seleznev

“Our potential customers are steelmaking companies that produce high quality flat (rolled) products - about 60 percent of all steel produced today. Most of them are interested in buying deoxidizer product, not licensing. The product and process are patent-pending.”


As well as saving on aluminum, does your process actually improve upon the quality of the steel?

“Yes it does, through tighter control of deox process and also tighter control of chemical composition, since aluminum is used to control grain size in quality steels as well.”


What stage of development is the company at? What do you require to commercialize this solution?

“We have already passed the proof of concept stage, and currently we are facing the biggest challenges any startup faces: Industrial trials, product perfection and fundraising. We see great potential in our product, locally and internationally. Once we get the investment we need, we will build an automated production cell capable of supplying several thousand tons of material FerrAl-30 per year. Then we’ll look to secure our first client among Russian steel manufacturers. The development strategy really depends on the time horizons, the available resources and the ambitions of the decision-makers. Skolkovo presents an excellent opportunity to tap the Russian market and build a platform for international expansion."

Seleznev at work. Photo from personal archive.

 Why should the world care about your innovation? How will it affect the average person on the street?

“The reason is simple - aluminum by itself is a huge repository of energy, because a huge amount of electric energy is used to reduce aluminum oxide to aluminum. Luckily, aluminum is a highly recyclable metal, so once produced it can be used many times over. However, if aluminum is wasted (basically burned) inefficiently it is lost for good, and the only way to replenish the loss is to make a new aluminum, which requires huge amount of energy again. Generally we waste about 4 percent of annual new aluminum production worldwide that way, and the bulk of the loss is due to steel deoxidization. So if we use aluminum for steel deoxidization more efficiently by employing ferroaluminum instead of aluminum ingots, we will save in effect 2 percent of that valuable energy intensive resource. Therefore, this is a truly green, energy-saving technology.”


What about you? Why did you decide to become an innovator?

“I have been an innovator all my professional life in the broad sense of the word. However, Skolkovo gives one a chance to strike out on his own instead of working for other people - a very exciting prospect indeed.”


Have you had any funny or unusual incidents from your attempts to innovate? 

“Due to the temperature of metal and the types of heavy equipment we are working with in metallurgy, some mishaps could be described as funny once they are over and no one is hurt. But I recall these situations always with a few goose bumps - like when molten brass once caught fire in a furnace due to accidental overheating. We were all coated with a layer of harmless white-colored zinc oxide, looking like aliens in spacesuits, after the fire in the furnace was extinguished. Thank God, the fire was brief and we had our protective gear handy.”


The first interview in the metallurgy series, with Skolkovo resident EcoSlag, can be accessed here.