• Russia and the UK – potential partners in innovation?

    In the modern world when new technologies are developing so fast, international cooperation is twice more important as before, says Alexander Yakovenko, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom. The world today is constantly changing. The global economy...

    05 November, 15:29 Vitaly Shustikov
  • What role will Russia play in the space century?

    As technology develops and private companies expand into intergalactic travel, vacationing and working in space seems to be less and less far-fetched. Elena Shipilova of Russia Beyond the Headlines spoke with Sergei Zhukov , head of the Space...

    31 March, 13:57 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Firm finds success blowing in the wind

    In 2008, when the price of oil was hovering around $200 per barrel, few Russians were concerned about green energy. But Vladimir Kanin was the exception. Vladimir Kanin founded Optiflame Solutions in 2008 with the profits from the sale of an I.T. start...

    26 June, 14:06 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russia’s Internet companies go global

    Established Russian players like Yandex and Odnoklassniki are introducing offerings abroad in an attempt to gauge the market for further expansion. The progress the Russian government has made in expanding the use of the Internet within government...

    07 June, 14:23 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo as a barrier to the brain drain

    The brain drain problem is as relevant for Russia now as it used to be during Perestroika. Some experts argue that the trend is catastrophic, pointing to the increase in the numbers of researchers leaving the country. The Russian government believes that the...

    26 March, 10:47 Voronkov Viktor
  • Geld, das ganz und gar nicht stinkt

    Philipp Rutberg entwickelte das neue Verfahren zur Müllbeseitigung. Russische Wissenschaftler haben ein umweltfreundliches und wirtschaftliches Verfahren zur Müllverarbeitung entwickelt. Aber den zuständigen Behörden kommen Müllhalden...

    12 July, 15:16 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Un tremplin pour l’innovation médicale

    Les projets soutenus par Skolkovo couvrent plusieurs domaines et notamment la médecine. Crédits photo : PhotoXPress Au sein d’une entreprise moscovite, un groupe de scientifiques a mis au point une valve cardiaque artificielle à...

    14 November, 16:31 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Die Blume des Lebens

    Derzeit ist häufig die Rede von der Baustelle in Skolkowo, den Projekten in Skolkowo, den Managern von Skolkowo, der Finanzierung von Skolkowo… Aber das sind alles nur Worthülsen. Um zu verstehen, wie diese Stiftung funktioniert, möchte...

    18 December, 16:46 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russia may benefit from the brain drain

    The brain drain problem is an indisputable fact, but we should not try to stop it. Drawing by Niyaz Karim The brain drain is only part of the process known as migration. According to surveys by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion...

    24 March, 11:55 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo : la Silicon Valley russe

    À une quinzaine de kilomètres de Moscou, une technopole futuristique est en train de voir le jour. Avec pour objectif la diversification et la moderni-sation de l’économie russe. Vue panoramique de Skolkovo, un site conçu...

    14 November, 15:57 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Virtual mobile operators to compete with traditional ones

    The Mobly virtual mobile network that recieved a grant from Skolkovo is going to make mobile communication global, reliable and able to provide Internet. The developers of Russia’s Mobly virtual mobile network have a small goal. All they want is to...

    17 July, 16:20 Voronkov Viktor
  • New centre of attraction

    Technology giants from around the world are going to turn innovation village into the country’s ‘Silicon Valley’. Innovation village will have a business park with five clusters: biotechnology, energy, IT, space and nuclear technology...

    30 March, 13:23 Vitaly Shustikov
  • 「スコルコボ」プロジェクト:日本企業の誘致に期待

    ビクトル・ベクセルベルグ氏、「スコルコボ」プロジェクトの総裁=アレクセイ・フィリポヴ撮影/ロシア通信 ロシア屈指の大富豪の一人である実業家のビクトル・ベクセルベルグ氏が、野心的計画を日本に持ち込んだ。それは極めて経済的な計画である。ベクセルベルグ氏は、レノバ投資グループのオーナーであり、フォーブス誌によれば、ロシア長者番付で第8位、世界長者番付で第64位につけている。同氏は同時に、とりわけ野心的な「スコルコボ」プロジェクトの総裁を兼務している。 「スコルコボ」は、ドミートリー・メドベージェフ前大統領が打ち出したプロジェクトだ...

    18 July, 15:29 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo takes Saudi school as model

    Russia’s high-tech business school is attracting students from abroad, learning from the experience of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University. In 2010 some 146,000 foreigners studied in Russia, according to Russia’s Statistics Service...

    16 January, 13:20 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Schöner wohnen - nicht nur für Rubelmillionäre

    Es verging kaum ein Tag, dass Dmitri Medwedjew nicht von Skolkowo schwärmte, das dem Land neue Impulse geben soll. In seiner Architektur scheint es diese Hoffnung zu erfüllen. Projekt des internationalen Architekturbüros Saltans+Jaeger...

    15 June, 14:26 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Snapping at the Leaders’ Heels

    Five countries known as BRICK are joining efforts to develop innovative solutions, an approach that might give them technological edge over the G7 states in the coming years. The BRICS countries have a remarkable opportunity to coordinate among...

    06 March, 11:30 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skoltech’s first class presents their inventions

    Students of the first class at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology presented their latest accomplishments to Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg at a recent symposium. Apart from their academic appraisals, the students demonstrated...

    21 January, 5:52 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Détecter les radiations, et les financements !

    Crédits photo : Kommersant Les scientifiques russes ont mis au point un appareil de mesure de radioactivité intégré au téléphone portable. C’est une première sur le marché mondial, mais les scientifiques...

    14 November, 16:17 Vitaly Shustikov
  • A home for the world’s best

    The first building at the Skolkovo Innovation Center is nearing completion, and it is just the beginning. "The Cube," the Skolkovo Inovation Center's first building is expected to open in September. Source: Press Photo When CNN’s...

    14 June, 14:52 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Russia monetizes its innovative potential

    On the last week of March, a team from the Skolkovo Foundation came to Silicon Valley for the eight annual Global Technology Symposium. Skolkovo Foundation President Viktor Vekselberg,left (2), and Anatoly Chubais, the head of the Russian Nanotechnology...

    02 April, 9:46 Voronkov Viktor
  • La technopole conçue comme une vraie ville

    Skolkovo, la cité du futur consacrée à la science, la recherche et l’innovation, telle une « Silicon Valley » russe, s’apprête à sortir de terre. Projet utopique ou visionnaire ? La ville conçue...

    21 May, 16:00 Vitaly Shustikov
  • What should Russia expect in 2013?

    Pundits predict a loss of momentum for the protest movement at home and see little scope for improvement in relations with the West. High hopes: low-cost Russian satellites will revolutionise the market. Source: AP. A cool relationship between Russia...

    16 January, 13:34 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo ushers in the 'age of the robots'

    With new conference, the Skolkovo Foundation offers support for development of both experimental prototypes in robotics as well as robots to perform everyday tasks. Last weekend, more than 500 people packed the first two floors of the Hypercube, the...

    14 February, 10:33 Voronkov Viktor
  • 「スコルコボ基金」が早大と放射能除去ロボットを 共同開発へ

    ワシーリー・ゴロヴニン , 国営イタルタス通信 ロシア版シリコンバレーを目指す「スコルコボ基金」はこのほど、早稲田大学と協力協定を結んだ。 イノベーションセンター 「スコルコボ」=PressPhoto撮影 両者は福島第一原子力発電所事故で汚染された地域で放射能除去作業に従事するロボットの開発をはじめとする共同プロジェクトを推進する。 スコルコボ基金は 、 2010 年6月にスタート。モスクワの西20キロ地点にある高級別荘地スコルコボ村に技術イノベーションセンターを創り...

    26 November, 12:54 Vitaly Shustikov
  • ロシア人技術者超小型線量計を開発

    サーシャ・バズデンコワ , 「ロシアNOW」 ロシアの研究者たちが超小型放射線量計DO-RAを開発した。モバイル機器に簡単に接続でき連動させられるスグレモノだ。 「インターソフト・ユーラシア」社長のウラジーミル・エーリン工学博士=タス通信撮影 こうした装置はまだ世界にないが、ロシアでお決まりの問題に直面した。自分の発明を普及させるための資金がないのだ。それを解決してくれたのがスコルコボ基金。開発者である「インターソフト・ユーラシア」社( http:...

    25 November, 12:48 Vitaly Shustikov