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  • Инвесторы увлеклись робототехникой

    В рамках третьей международной конференции Skolkovo Robotics прошла инвестиционная питч-сессия робототехнических проектов, организованная Инвестиционной службой Фонда «Сколково» совместно с Робоцентром «Сколково». Послушать презентации...

    02 April, 8:02 Efendieva Marina
  • Catalyzing angel investment in Almaty

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - It’s springtime in downtown Almaty, though winter is blowing its last frigid gusts off the snowy peaks of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountain range and around the city's skyscrapers and Soviet-built housing blocks. At a downtown...

    30 March, 12:05 Nowak David
  • Startup Tour opens door to Skolkovo ecosystem in Kazakhstan

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The Kazakh stage of the Startup Tour concluded on Friday with several innovations winning a place at the Startup Village in June and, perhaps more significantly, the foundations put in place for of a new era of high-tech cooperation between...

    20 March, 17:17 Nowak David
  • Business angels brandish tridents at pitch session

    Angel investors may earn their nickname in the noble quest to rescue cash-starved startups, but, as revealed in a recent meeting of the Skolkovo Business Angels Club, they can be positively fiendish in forcing them to justify their salvation. The business...

    17 March, 13:28 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour reaches Kazan

    More than 140 startups registered an interest to take part in the Kazan stage of the Russian Startup Tour, the fourth stop on the innovations roadshow that runs Tuesday and Wednesday in the Tatarstan capital. The Kazan Kremlin. Photo: flickr The...

    02 March, 10:43 Nowak David
  • Craig Barrett: Politics moves faster than innovation and research

    Skolkovo Foundation Council co-chairman Craig Barrett voiced confidence on Thursday that the project to diversify Russia’s economy would far outlive the current political troubles. Barrett, Intel chairman until 2009, spoke at the final quarterly meeting...

    18 December, 20:44 Nowak David
  • Инновации облегчают создание стартапов, но снижают их стоимость

    Молодым компаниям, думающим, что они стоят миллиарды долларов, нужно вернуться с небес на землю. Несмотря на шум, вызванный сделкой по приобретению WhatsApp за 19 млрд долларов корпорацией Facebook Inc., инвестиции первого раунда в стартапы США снизились в...

    25 March, 11:11 Mungalov Dmitry