Tagged Content
  • End of an era: Edward Crawley hands over leadership of Skoltech to Alexander Kuleshov

    Edward Crawley, the charismatic U.S. professor who has headed the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) since its founding, on Friday officially handed over his duties as president to his Russian successor, Dr. Alexander Kuleshov. Edward...

    12 February, 16:43 Collinson Shura
  • Фидель Кастро Диас-Баларт в «Сколково»

    За свои 62 года старший сын Фиделя Кастро слышал революционную песню Comandante Che Guevara сотни, если не тысячи раз. Но впервые услышал ее в исполнении робота, созданного студентами Сколтеха. Советник по науке Госсовета Кубы Фидель Кастро Диас-Баларт посетил...

    10 November, 15:09 Baklanov Mikhail
  • «Сколково» принимает участие в форуме NANO5 на Кубе

    ГАВАНА. В кубинской столице открылся V Международный научно-технологический семинар NANO, в работе которого принимает участие делегация «Сколково». Газета Granma вынесла на первую полосу две новости дня. Помимо открытия научного форума, в котором...

    15 September, 11:01 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Autodesk inks Skolkovo cooperation agreement

    Computer-aided design giant Autodesk has signed a cooperation agreement with the Skolkovo Foundation to potentially provide software support to resident startups and Skoltech students. Skolkovo's Alexandra Barshchevskaya, left, and Autodesk's...

    07 August, 11:24 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo president: Political situation helps with import-substitution

    The current political and economic tensions between Russia and the West promote import-subsitution at home, Skolkovo Foundation president Victor Vekselberg has told the BBC Russian Service in an interview. Skolkovo Foundation president Victor Vekselberg...

    03 August, 10:53 Nowak David
  • US ambassador: America continues to support Skolkovo

    The US Ambassador to Russia, John F. Tefft, has signaled his country’s continuing support for the Skolkovo project, noting in a speech at Startup Village that the relationship will not be imperiled by political tensions. US Ambassador to Russia...

    02 June, 10:23 Nowak David
  • Стартап-тур в Восточной Сибири

    В Красноярске состоялось открытие восточно-сибирского этапа Стартап-тура. В течение двух дней эксперты из «Сколково» будут проводить мастер-классы с представителями инновационного сообщества региона, а сами стартапы примут участие в конкурсе коротких...

    06 April, 13:05 Baklanov Mikhail
  • US diplomat: Skolkovo/MIT partnership more important than ever

    A prominent US diplomat said Monday that Skolkovo’s partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is more important now than ever. In opening remarks at the US-Russia Research Symposium in the Russian capital, Jeffrey Sexton, minister...

    15 December, 15:31 Nowak David
  • A fireside chat with Russia’s leaders of innovation

    HELSINKI, Finland - Russia’s chief proponents of innovation took to the silver stage Tuesday at Slush 2014, Europe’s biggest startup conference, to share the secrets of entering the Russian market. From left: Galitsky, Viljakainen, Dvorkovich...

    18 November, 15:09 Nowak David
  • Russia won’t economize on Skolkovo – deputy PM

    HELSINKI, Finland - The finances are in place to guarantee the Skolkovo Innovation Center will be completed on schedule, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich told sk.ru on Tuesday. Speaking on the sidelines of Slush 2014, Europe’s biggest...

    18 November, 12:44 Nowak David
  • Indian delegation visits Skolkovo on fact-finding mission

    A delegation of scientists, educators and ministry officials from India paid a visit Wednesday to the Skolkovo Foundation, on a fact-finding mission to study the opportunities available for Indian students and startups in Russia. Led by Inder Jit Singh of...

    17 September, 16:41 Nowak David