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  • Cattle-farming innovations triumph at Kazakh pitch sessions

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The top two biomedical innovations at the Startup Tour in Almaty this week seek to modernize cattle rearing in Kazakhstan, with promising knock-on effects for the meat and dairy industries. Ruslan Altaev of Skolkovo's Biomed Cluster...

    20 March, 16:35 Nowak David
  • A Russian-Kazakh pipeline for oil and gas cooperation

    Access to clients such as Gazprom and Rosneft is on offer for Kazakh startups that join the Skolkovo ecosystem, said the executive director of the foundation’s Energy Cluster, Nikolai Grachev, at a roundtable in Almaty on Thursday. Nikolai Grachev...

    19 March, 11:43 Nowak David
  • Top Kazakh minister opens Startup Tour in Almaty

    ALMATY - Kazakhstan’s Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev raised the curtain Thursday on the sixth leg of the Russian Startup Tour - and first to take place abroad – with a call to transform Almaty into a major innovations hub...

    19 March, 8:29 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo teams up with VisionLabs for computer vision Olympics

    Skolkovo’s Robocenter is teaming up with IT cluster resident VisionLabs to present Russia’s first computer vision Olympics. The event, set for March 27 at the Baumann Moscow State Technical University, aims to promote understanding of the field...

    12 March, 10:03 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo startups: ‘We need more mentors’

    Results from 2014 show the Skolkovo Mentor Program to be popular, with many resident startups urging the foundation to find more mentors. The program was launched in the second half of 2014 with the aim of pairing successful, experienced businesspeople with...

    14 January, 16:49 Nowak David
  • Software giant SAP: Russian cloud market growing by 30-40 percent

    Software giant SAP cites analysts as saying the Russian cloud computing market is growing at a rate of 30 to 40 percent a year. The Russian affiliate of the German-based firm, SAP CIS, a partner of the Skolkovo Foundation, said in a press release on Tuesday...

    23 September, 16:52 Nowak David
  • Top government official lauds Russian Startup Tour 2015

    Encouraging economic growth through the 2015 Russian Startup Tour is the best way to combat the difficult political conditions currently facing the country, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said Saturday. Speaking at the International Investment Forum...

    20 September, 22:45 Nowak David
  • Moscow oils its gears for Robonight

    This weekend sees the second Robonight in Moscow, a celebration of machines through films, exhibitions and even a robodisco – where, perhaps, robots will do the robot. Robonight is an initiative by the Skolkovo Foundation and the Skolkovo Open University...

    16 September, 12:27 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Mentors Program makes its first match

    The first Mentor-Protégé pairing has been formed by the Skolkovo Mentors Program – an effort to steer startups in the right direction by appointing an expert to consult in key areas of development. The program is a pillar of the Skolkovo...

    25 August, 16:28 Nowak David