• Hacking life’s obstacle course: tech that enables

    A large section of the Skolkovo Technopark was turned into an obstacle course with a difference this week, as people of all ages raced to complete a course that included walking up some steps while holding a tray of apples, opening a door at the top of the...

    10 November, 18:25 Collinson Shura
  • Во Владивостоке стартует Русский MeetUp

    ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Спустя несколько дней после завершения в Сколково форума «Открытые инновации», центральной темой которого стала цифровая экономика, обсуждение этих вопросов переместилось в столицу Приморья. Здесь в понедельник стартует трехдневный...

    22 October, 18:41 Mungalov Dmitry
  • New investment fund Skolkovo Ventures launched at Startup Village

    The Skolkovo Foundation announced the official launch of Skolkovo Ventures – three new investment funds devoted to IT, industrial technology and biotech – at the Startup Village open-air conference on Tuesday. The investment funds have been set...

    06 June, 19:02 Collinson Shura