• The day the Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    A key message that Skolkovo transmits its startups is the need to expand into new territories. Now it is leading by example: This week, Russia’s biggest innovations roadshow ventures abroad for the first time in its five-year history. Almaty - the...

    13 March, 14:02 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour swings into Yekaterinburg

    Thirty-seven companies will battle for a place at Startup Village this week, when the Russian Startup Tour makes its fifth stop on the 12-stage trip in Yekaterinburg. The Yekaterinburg Expo Center. Photo: www.ekaterinburgexpo.ru Russia’s fourth...

    10 March, 16:46 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo International Robotics Conference: ‘A wheel of opportunity’

    On March 20-22, the Hypercube will host Russia’s biggest robotics event, the Skolkovo International Robotics Conference. Photo: sk.ru Around 1,800 people are registered for the three-day bonanza, which brings robot developers, company CEOs...

    10 March, 16:05 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour reaches Kazan

    More than 140 startups registered an interest to take part in the Kazan stage of the Russian Startup Tour, the fourth stop on the innovations roadshow that runs Tuesday and Wednesday in the Tatarstan capital. The Kazan Kremlin. Photo: flickr The...

    02 March, 10:43 Nowak David
  • Intel partners Startup Tour, Startup Village

    U.S. tech giant Intel on Tuesday announced it had become a partner to the Russian Startup Tour and the summer's Startup Village, two of Russia’s most important events to encourage the growth of new high-tech companies. Intel's Valery Cherepennikov...

    17 February, 13:56 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour rolls into Siberia

    The second stage of the Russian Startup Tour began this week in the Siberian city of Tomsk, a renowned innovations hub. One of the facilities at Tomsk's Special Economic Zone. Photo: Investment Portal of the Tomsk Region The tour is Russia’s...

    10 February, 16:28 Nowak David
  • Victor Vekselberg opens Russian Startup Tour in Rostov-on-Don

    The Russian Startup Tour got underway on Tuesday in Rostov-on-Don, where more than 100 fledgling copmanies have signed up to take part in the first of 12 two-day programs. Skolkovo's delegation was led by foundation president Victor Vekselberg, second...

    03 February, 10:23 Nowak David
  • ‘Listen to the customer,’ Russian startups are urged

    Today’s economic realities leave Russian tech startups with enough trouble getting to market as it is, but even those that receive the support of Skolkovo must overcome a problem of their own making: failure to pay attention to their customers' needs...

    02 December, 17:02 Nowak David
  • US market beckons for Skolkovo’s top startups

    A trip to the United States has blown away any doubt in three of Skolkovo’s premier startup businesses that the lucrative tech market is accessible, and that local partners and investors can be found, the entrepreneurs say. The companies, Viziware...

    07 November, 11:32 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Super League: российские команды на MassChallenge в Бостоне

    Команды ViziWare, 3Divi и Macroscop представили свои проекты участникам и партнерам американского бизнес-акселератора MassChallenge в Бостоне. Демо-сессия для жюри и инвесторов стала заключительным этапом акселерационной программы Skolkovo Super League , которая...

    06 November, 15:47 Efendieva Marina
  • Ментор-протеже: три с половиной шага навстречу друг другу

    Заключительная часть серии из трех статей Первая часть: Зачем ментору стартап? Вторая часть: Зачем ментор стартапу? Менторская программа Фонда «Сколково», по оценке директора департамента акселерационных программ Фонда «Сколково»...

    04 November, 9:21 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Зачем ментор стартапу?

    Вторая часть серии из 3 статей Первая часть: Зачем ментору стартап? Генеральный директор сколковской компании РеалСпикерЛаб Виктор Осетров доволен, что с помощью Фонда познакомился с ментором Алексом Косиком. «Алекс имеет большой жизненный, профессиональный...

    04 November, 11:52 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Зачем ментору стартап?

    Сайт Sk. ru опросил 12 менторов Фонда «Сколково», чтобы узнать, зачем они готовы тратить свое время, делясь знаниями и связями со сколковскими стартапами, и для чего это обеим сторонам уравнения нужно. «Если хорошо приглядеться, то в команде...

    04 November, 11:47 Baklanov Mikhail