• Алексей Семеняка принял участие в XI Пиринговом форуме

    10 декабря в Большом конференц-зале Правительства Москвы прошел XI Пиринговый форум, организованный компанией MSK-IX при поддержке отраслевых компаний. Алексей Семеняка, исполнительный директор Qrator Labs, объяснил, чем отличается новое поколение операторов...

    10 December, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Алексей Семеняка представил Qrator на пятой конференции UAdom в Киеве

    4 декабря 2015 года в столице Украины прошла пятая конференция, посвященная развитию доменной политики страны. В рамках события Алексей Семеняка, исполнительный директор Qrator Labs, специализирующейся на противодействии DDoS-атакам, выступил с докладом на...

    04 December, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Александр Лямин, CEO Qrator Labs, участвовал в съемке программы "Токарев. Дело. Киберугрозы 2017"

    Генеральный директор нашей компании Александр Лямин, Михаил Кондрашин, технический директор Trend Micro в России, и Алексей Голенищев, директор дирекции мониторинга электронного бизнеса «Альфа-Банка» обсуждали «интернет вещей», уязвимость Apple и Adobe и другие...

    21 December, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Александр Лямин и Евгений Усков выступили на Пиринговом форуме MSK-IX

    Наши коллеги обсудили тренды в безопасности уходящего года, а также рассказали про новый инструмент Reverse Looking Glass проекта Radar.

    01 December, 3:00 Anonymous
  • Александр Лямин выступил с докладом на DSS ITSEC 2015 в Латвии

    В Риге прошла 6-ая ежегодная конференция профессионалов в области кибербезопасности. Qrator Labs, специализирующаяся на противодействии DDoS-атакам, стала "золотым" партнером мероприятия. Александр Лямин, генеральный директор компании, прочитал доклад...

    22 October, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Александр Азимов выступил на конференции RIPE 69.

    Ведущий инженер по эксплуатации сети Qrator Александр Азимов выступил с докладом на международной конференции RIPE 69, которая проходила в Лондоне с 3 по 7 ноября.

    17 November, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Александр Азимов в четвертый раз представил Qrator на международной конференции RIPE

    C 16 по 20 ноября в Бухаресте прошла 71-ая встреча RIPE (европейского реестра IP-адресов), где интернет-провайдеры, сетевые операторы и другие заинтересованные лица обсуждали возникшие перед интернет-сообществом проблемы. Александр Азимов, ведущий инженер по...

    20 November, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Why an under-attack DDoS mitigation service adoption is too late

    Preliminary and detailed planning is essential if you intend to build a competitive service somewhere on the Internet. It could draw the attention of not only intruders but also competitors. At last, but not the least, unexpected and massive user influx is...

    16 June, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Why "always-on" mitigation is a neccessity

    We often hear that a DDoS-mitigation, which in our case is an “always-on” service in most scenarios, is less efficient and more expensive comparing to an “on demand” mitigation. We want to make it clear how an “always-on” technique differs from the “on demand...

    18 May, 0:00 Anonymous
  • We introduced a separate website page for initiatives to optimize the global Internet infrastructure

    Yesterday Qrator Labs introduced a separate website page for what we call the Initiatives. In fact, this is our way for further improvement of the ecosystem we’re all a part of — the Internet.

    11 April, 0:00 Anonymous
  • We have signed a cooperation agreement with Rostelecom

    We have signed a cooperation agreement with Russian national operator Rostelecom. We will cooperate on the development of solutions related to internet and a safe functioning of the global network. The agreement was signed during the Startup Village 2017 international...

    07 June, 0:00 Anonymous
  • We have moved to a new office

    As you know, moving three times is as bad as a fire. You can congratulate us - our Moscow office has moved.

    27 March, 3:00 Anonymous
  • Report on the attacks for 2013 and forecast for 2014

    The year 2013 displayed a number of tendencies which are likely to progress in 2014...

    07 March, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Reliability of National Internet Segments

    The connectivity of Internet at the network layer is a result of interaction between autonomous systems (AS), and it is more stable the more alternatives routes between ASNs there exist, which is basic fault tolerance principle. This research shows how outage...

    11 July, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: Route Leak Monitor

    Qrator Radar team is pleased to announce launch of our Route Leak Monitor. Routing leaks could occur due to accidental mistakes or with help of comprised routers. But in all cases these routing incidents are undetectable from origin AS and often unnoticed by...

    23 May, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: New time machine functionality: detailed history for AS Relations

    Qrator Radar team is pleased to announce launch of new detailed history feature. Today it covers changes in "customer to provider" and "peer to peer" relations for each Autonomous System.

    01 September, 22:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: New Features with New Design

    Qrator Radar team is pleased to announce the launch of updated user interface. We’ve tried to improve the usability by adding infographics for AS Relations and Security Data. We also added several features such as full text search for all kinds of data, customer...

    27 November, 22:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: New Design with new Functionality

    Our team is pleased to announce the launch of a fully new version of our portal. We've been working hard to improve UI interfaces and the quality of the data in our AS Relation model. In this release we also launch an open beta of our new tool – Global...

    05 May, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: Major Update of Security Detectors

    Our team is pleased to announce the launch of the new engine for detecting route loops. The results have proved to be very interesting. Every day we detect several thousands of BGP dynamic loops and millions of static loops. Many of them affect links between...

    08 February, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: IPv6, MOAS conflicts and lots of other things

    Qrator Radar team is pleased to announce the launch of a number of new mechanisms. First of all we finally added support for IPv6. Now we've got three major blocks: IPv4 connectivity, IPv6 connectivity and Security Issues combining the data for both IPv4...

    10 June, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: Improvements in DDoS amplifiers monitoring module

    Qrator Radar team is pleased to announce several significant improvements in our DDoS amplifiers monitoring module. We have extended the number of supported protocols commonly used for amplification attacks, and we are planning to add the support of other important...

    22 April, 0:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: Global Looking Glass aka Realtime Graph

    Our team is pleased to announce the launch of the completely new BGP graph. Compared to the previous version, it has a number of significant improvements and new features. First and most important, the new graph shows BGP announces at the current moment, and...

    24 October, 3:00 Anonymous
  • RADAR.QRATOR.NET: Detecting hidden relationships

    The Radar by Qrator team is glad to announce the launch of the new model of inter-AS relations and priority determination which is expected to significantly improve the quality of our data. This new model gave us a number of additional opportunities. For example...

    03 February, 0:00 Anonymous

    A Simple BGP is initiative of Radar by Qrator team which aims to simplify the process of BGP configuration and avoid route leaks by adding built in protection against route leaks in BGP. Route leak is a network anomaly, when route learned from provider or peer...

    17 November, 0:00 Anonymous
  • Radar detected a massive and dangerous route leak

    Qrator Radar detected a massive and dangerous route leak (Date: 16.05.2017, time 08:48:00 UTC - 09:06:00 UTC) that occurred in Imperva Incapsula network (AS19551).

    17 May, 0:00 Anonymous