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  • Skolkovo Technopark strengthens relations with Brazil

    More than a dozen agreements were signed or announced during the Startup Village event, including MOU between Skolkovo Technopark and its Brazilian colleague TECNOPUC . TECNOPUC is the Science and Technology Park of PUCRS – Pontifícia...

    30 June, 12:20 Nikitina Olga
  • Korean delegation in Skolkovo

    This June Skolkovo saw the biggest in its history delegation from Korea. Representatives of 30 companies, development institutions and technoparks together with Mr. Park Ro-byug Korean Ambassador in Russia visited Startup Village event. Their main...

    30 June, 12:19 Nikitina Olga
  • IASP Family Contribution to Startup Village program

    Several IASP members shared their experiences of worldwide cooperation between science and technology parks. IASP Management – including President Jean François Balducchi, Vice President Josep Piqué and Director General Luis Sanz...

    30 June, 12:18 Nikitina Olga
  • IASP 2016 Moscow Steering Committee, Meeting 1

    In the beginning of June Skolkovo Technopark hosted the first meeting of IASP Moscow Conference Steering Committee. IASP Vice President Josep Piqué (22@Barcelona); IASP Director General Luis Sanz; President of the IASP WANA Division Mostafa Karimian...

    30 June, 12:17 Nikitina Olga
  • Skolkovo visits Hannover Messe (Germany), 3-17 April

    Eleven residents of Skolkovo Foundation participate in Hannover Messe in Berlin. Skolkovo presents the latest developments in energy-efficient technology and automation technology manufacturing and engineering solutions for the control and power transmission...

    06 May, 12:47 Nikitina Olga
  • Skolkovo develops its connections with Germany

    Skolkovo Foundation delegation of representatives of the clusters, Technopark, Skoltech and Open University visits Berlin on 16 – 17, April with a business mission. On the 16 th of April the delegation members arrived at Technopark Adlershof and made...

    06 May, 12:40 Nikitina Olga
  • IASP 2016 World Conference Moscow announced at the International Congress "Open Russia"

    On March 27 th Skolkovo Foundation participated in the International Congress “Open Russia: Time for Change - Time for Opportunity” hosted by Committee of CCI of RF and Agency on economic collaboration and development on facilitation of foreign...

    31 March, 11:31 Nikitina Olga
  • Skolkovo Technopark

    Skolkovo technology park is a key element of Skolkovo infrastructure. It is the biggest and the most important Technopark in Russia. Today, we have 33 common use centers that offer services to facilitate and accelerate research and the entrance of innovations...

    31 March, 11:30 Nikitina Olga
  • The Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    The Russian Startup Tour, run by the Skolkovo Foundation and its partners, lops off the first word in its name as it matures into an international event in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on March 19-20. The goal of the tour is to foster entrepreneurship and uncover the...

    31 March, 11:29 Nikitina Olga
  • What’s new about IASP 2016 Moscow?

    We are pleased to inform you that Skolkovo team has already started the preparations for the 33 rd IASP World Conference 2016 in Moscow! Namely, we have determined dates of the Conference: 19-22 September 2016; and theme : The Global Mind – Linking...

    31 March, 11:25 Nikitina Olga
  • VISIT TO BEIJING, Steering Committee

    During the visit to Beijing CEO of Skolkovo Technopark participated in the Second Meeting of the Steering Committee IASP 2015 Beijing. The meeting was attended by: Luis Sanz, Director General, IASP; Hardy Rudolf Schmitz, Chief Executive...

    28 January, 20:21 Nikitina Olga

    During the visit to Beijing on 13-14th of January there were held series of meetings with representatives of China’s innovation community. The first one was the meeting with Mr. Herbert Chen, Executive Vice President of Tus-Holdings, IASP Asia Pacific...

    28 January, 20:20 Nikitina Olga

    Executive Director of the Nuclear Technologies Cluster of Skolkovo Foundation, Igor Karavaev, made a 3-day visit to Taiwan. The main purpose of the trip was to establish business contacts with local key world-class stakeholders (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing...

    28 January, 20:18 Nikitina Olga
  • Технопарк «Сколково» на международной арене

    Технопарк «Сколково» открывает для российского инновационного сообщества международные площадки Одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности Технопарка «Сколково» является выход на международный уровень. Это позволяет привлечь зарубежных...

    22 December, 19:24 Nikitina Olga
  • Сколково примет «Олимпиаду» технопарков в 2016 году

    Сегодня в Дохе состоялось голосование за право проведения Всемирной конференции Международной ассоциации научных парков и зон инновационного развития в 2016 году (IASP 2016 World Conference). Победа досталась совместной заявке Технопарка Сколково, Научного...

    21 October, 18:40 Voronkov Viktor
  • Мы победили!

    Сегодня наконец-таки настал тот самый день, когда должна была решиться наша судьба - голосование на проведение международной конференции IASP 2016 в Москве! После долгого ожидания и упорной работы все были вознаграждены: мы выиграли право встречать гостей...

    21 October, 18:42 Nikitina Olga
  • Жозеф Пике посетил Сколково

    В рамках развития международного сотрудничества в конце минувшей недели состоялся визит Жозефа Микеля Пике (Josep Miquel Pique), президента Европейского Дивизиона Международной Ассоциации Научных Парков (IASP), в Технопарк «Сколково». Жозеф посетил...

    15 September, 10:25 Nikitina Olga