Tagged Content
  • VisionLabs: First Place, Third Time

    The Skolkovo Foundation resident company VisionLabs has for the third time in a row confirmed its reputation as one of the global leaders in the field of computer vision and machine learning. This is based on the results of the independent testing of facial...

    26 August, 8:09 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo at BIO at Cellicon Valley

    PHILADELPHIA BIO, the flagship annual event in biomedicine and biotechnologies takes place in the Cellicon Valley on June 3–6 this year. The new name - Cellicon Valley - has not yet established itself as such a familiar term as Silicon Valley, but...

    03 June, 13:22 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Benjamin Wilkening: ‘Russian tech is something to be reckoned with’

    When tech startups are being considered for resident status at the Skolkovo innovation centre, one of the conditions for acceptance is that their product or service must have potential for export. Skolkovo’s mission is not import substitution; on the...

    07 March, 14:20 Collinson Shura