Tagged Content
  • Why the way to a man’s health is through his stomach – and his genes

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates proclaimed. Almost 2,500 years later, biologists and geneticists around the world have come to the conclusion that he was right. With antibiotics in...

    29 April, 10:45 Collinson Shura
  • ГМО: опасности реальные и мнимые

    Важно, чтобы запрет на использование ГМО не стал постоянным, иначе Россия рискует окончательно отстать в развитии биотехнологий, убежден вице-президент Фонда «Сколково», исполнительный директор кластера биомедицинских технологий Кирилл Каем На...

    03 December, 8:58 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Friendlier foxes and discount delicacies: Agro tech arrives at Skolkovo

    Skolkovo has begun accepting applications from startup companies in the agriculture business and expects its first residents by the end of the year, opening up new avenues of research that experts say are of critical importance for biotech in Russian and beyond...

    20 August, 16:51 Nowak David