Tagged Content
  • Новый закон о «Сколково» вступил в силу

    Проект «Сколково» на пороге своего десятилетия получил новый инструмент: вступил в силу обновленный закон об инновационном центре. За счет снятия территориальных ограничений, которые были в ранее действовавшем документе, он поможет кратно нарастить...

    13 August, 8:43 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Open Innovations tech forum opens at Skolkovo with focus on corporations

    The Open Innovations forum kicked off on Monday morning at the Skolkovo innovation centre, attracting an estimated 18,000 people from all over the world to Russia’s biggest conference and exhibition devoted to homegrown innovative tech solutions. ...

    16 October, 16:45 Collinson Shura
  • Glimpsing the future: Ten things not to miss at Open Innovations

    The Skolkovo innovation city is gearing up to host the biggest Open Innovations forum that Russia has yet seen on October 16-18, featuring tech stars, government representatives, entrepreneurs, businesspeople and futurologists from around the world. International...

    13 October, 11:27 Collinson Shura
  • Russky Technopark opens in Russia’s Far East as home port for innovations

    A new technopark opened its doors in Russia’s Far East port of Vladivostok on Wednesday, with the aim of fostering tech entrepreneurship and startups there with support from the Skolkovo Foundation. Victor Vekselberg, Olga Vasilyeva and Nikita Anisimov...

    06 September, 13:26 Collinson Shura
  • Medvedev: Skolkovo is key reserve for building Russia's future economy

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, at whose initiative the Skolkovo innovation city outside Moscow was founded in 2010, praised the project’s evolution at a meeting of the Skolkovo Foundation’s board of trustees on Wednesday. “I’d...

    02 August, 17:50 Collinson Shura
  • Startup Village: больше, чем деревня

    В Сколково открылась крупнейшая в Восточной Европе инновационная конференция Startup Village. 12 тысяч участников из 27 стран, представители дипкорпуса, ученые, эксперты, вице-премьеры российского правительства, глава Сбербанка Герман Греф, споры о редактировании...

    02 June, 13:09 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Duma deputies praise Skolkovo, urge expansion of its formula across Russia

    The Skolkovo project set up to diversify the Russian economy away from energy exports has surpassed the targets set for it by the government, and its format should be rolled out around the country, parliamentary deputies and a deputy finance minister said Wednesday...

    28 April, 14:13 Collinson Shura
  • В Москве начались "Открытые инновации"

    В Москве на ВДНХ начал свою работу четвертый форум «Открытые инновации». Столичный мэр Сергей Собянин на правах хозяина предложил сделать ВДНХ постоянной площадкой для проведения «Открытых инноваций». Градоначальник отметил, что Москва...

    28 October, 14:43 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: Skolkovo is producing results

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says Skolkovo is starting to produce tangible results, despite being less than five years old. From left: Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg, his advisor Pekka Viljakainen, and Prime Minister Medvedev. Photo: sk.ru ...

    04 June, 14:54 Nowak David
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Faster, higher, stronger: Skolkovo to host Olympic R&D center

    The Olympic Committee of Russia is to build a 50,000 sq. m. research and development center at the Skolkovo Innovation Center by 2018 under an agreement signed Friday by the two parties. Olympic chief Alexander Zhukov, left, and Skolkovo Foundation...

    20 February, 11:11 Nowak David
  • In a flurry of snow, Skolkovo tips hat to a kind 2014

    In the dying snow flurries of 2014, as the Vnukovo plane trails dissipate silently into the Moscow sky, the Skolkovo Foundation can look back upon an eventful, challenging and ultimately successful year from its new, permanent home. Snow settles at Skolkovo...

    25 December, 14:47 Nowak David
  • Open Innovations 2014: Russia, China and Skolkovo

    The Skolkovo Foundation plays catalyst this week as Russia seeks to strengthen its economic partnership with China at the Open Innovations Forum in Moscow. Skolkovo is a co-organizer of the October 14-16 event at the Technopolis in the Russian capital, which...

    13 October, 10:24 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Robotics 2014: роботы уже здесь

    Вторая международная конференция Skolkovo Robotics стартовала в Гиперкубе «Сколково». Открывая мероприятие, заместитель министра связи и массовых коммуникаций России Марк Шмулевич отметил, что робототехника включена министерством в список технологических...

    01 March, 13:04 Efendieva Marina