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  • Фонд «Сколково» на Geneva Health Forum

    В Женеве завершился Geneva Health Forum. Это одна из самых представительных мировых площадок для обсуждения инновационных решений в области здравоохранения и медицины. Форум проводится раз в два года, и на этот раз его почетным гостем стала Российская Федерация...

    19 April, 13:50 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Два стартапа «Сколково» - в десятке лучших на Slush Singapore

    Первый же опыт выступления российских стартапов в региональной конференции и конкурсе Slush в Сингапуре оказался более чем успешным. Жюри, состоящее из профессиональных инвесторов, отобрало 10 лучших команд, и в их числе оказались два стартапа из IT-кластера...

    21 September, 10:31 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Second foreign assignment for the Startup Tour to kick off in Minsk

    The second foray outside the confines of Russia begins Tuesday for the Startup Tour, which visits the Belarusian capital of Minsk in its quest to uncover and develop the top startups in the CIS. The National Library of Belarus in Minsk, venue for the...

    13 April, 11:06 Nowak David
  • Startup Tour leaves 2 million rubles in Nizhny Novgorod, invites 6 projects to Moscow

    The third stage of the Russian Startup Tour concluded this week in Nizhny Novgorod, where two startups won million-ruble investments and six were invited to Startup Village in Moscow this summer. The finalists and winners from the pitch sessions in Nizhny...

    19 February, 14:07 Nowak David
  • Intel partners Startup Tour, Startup Village

    U.S. tech giant Intel on Tuesday announced it had become a partner to the Russian Startup Tour and the summer's Startup Village, two of Russia’s most important events to encourage the growth of new high-tech companies. Intel's Valery Cherepennikov...

    17 February, 13:56 Nowak David
  • Amid lasers and dry ice, Finnish PM opens Slush 2014

    HELSINKI, Finland - In a high-tech flurry of lasers and dry ice, Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb raised the curtain on Europe’s largest conference on the startup industry on Tuesday, with Skolkovo’s biggest ever delegation of 53 companies...

    18 November, 11:36 Nowak David
  • While Helsinki parties hard, Skolkovo startups cram for Slush

    HELSINKI, Finland - While many of Slush’s 10,000 attendees were partying into the night at the grand opening of Europe’s biggest startup conference on Monday night, Skolkovo’s top startups were cramming ahead of a potentially life-changing...

    17 November, 19:44 Nowak David