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  • Skolkovo Foundation ups its fight against cancer on World Cancer Day

    As nations across the globe marked World Cancer Day on February 4, the Skolkovo Foundation announced the creation of a new Cancer Centre of Excellence. The new centre is set to coordinate the work of all the startup companies and partners currently working...

    04 February, 16:56 Collinson Shura
  • «Сколково» принимает участие в форуме NANO5 на Кубе

    ГАВАНА. В кубинской столице открылся V Международный научно-технологический семинар NANO, в работе которого принимает участие делегация «Сколково». Газета Granma вынесла на первую полосу две новости дня. Помимо открытия научного форума, в котором...

    15 September, 11:01 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Moscow students discover Pharma's Cool

    Hundreds of Moscow students packed out a lecture theater this week to hear what most of them already believe: Pharma’s Cool. The lecture hall at Moscow’s Sechenov University of Medicine. Photo: sk.ru The three-week lecture series targeting...

    25 March, 13:15 Nowak David