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  • New partnership agreements agreed at Startup Village

    Two partnership agreements were announced at the opening of the Startup Village at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Thursday: one with the Chinese company Kunshan Nano New Material, which makes glass for Apple products, and one with Russian mobile operator...

    03 June, 11:50 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo residents seek to print satellites directly in space

    A 3D printer for use in space is the end goal of a joint project between two residents of the Skolkovo Foundation – the companies Sputnix and Anisoprint – and Moscow Polytechnic University. Fyodor Antonov, director of Anisoprint., a resident...

    13 May, 11:13 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo out in force at MAKS air show

    The Skolkovo Foundation is out in force at this year’s MAKS air show, one of the aviation industry’s biggest events with companies from 30 countries around the world taking part. Twelve of the 584 Russian enterprises exhibiting their products...

    25 August, 10:31 Nowak David