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  • Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin cuts ribbon to open Nobel Street

    Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin cut the ceremonial ribbon to officially open Nobel Street at the Skolkovo Innovation Center on Wednesday, the second day of the Startup Village conference. Medvedev, center, shakes hands with Sobyanin as Arkady Dvorkovich...

    03 June, 14:15 Nowak David
  • Panasonic opens R&D Center at Skolkovo

    Panasonic opened its R&D Center at Skolkovo during Startup Village on Tuesday, opening a new chapter in electronics research cooperation between Russia and Japan. The Panasonic R&D Center at Skolkovo Technopark Office Center. Panasonic signed...

    02 June, 16:26 Nowak David
  • US ambassador: America continues to support Skolkovo

    The US Ambassador to Russia, John F. Tefft, has signaled his country’s continuing support for the Skolkovo project, noting in a speech at Startup Village that the relationship will not be imperiled by political tensions. US Ambassador to Russia...

    02 June, 10:23 Nowak David