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  • «Сколково» принимает участие в форуме NANO5 на Кубе

    ГАВАНА. В кубинской столице открылся V Международный научно-технологический семинар NANO, в работе которого принимает участие делегация «Сколково». Газета Granma вынесла на первую полосу две новости дня. Помимо открытия научного форума, в котором...

    15 September, 11:01 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Moscow students discover Pharma's Cool

    Hundreds of Moscow students packed out a lecture theater this week to hear what most of them already believe: Pharma’s Cool. The lecture hall at Moscow’s Sechenov University of Medicine. Photo: sk.ru The three-week lecture series targeting...

    25 March, 13:15 Nowak David
  • Cooperation agreement signed with Saratov State University

    The Skolkovo Foundation on Wednesday signed a cooperation agreement with the Saratov State University. The agreement sees SSU share research findings with Skolkovo, which will intensify efforts to help boost the startup industry in the city on the Volga...

    28 January, 13:14 Nowak David
  • US diplomat: Skolkovo/MIT partnership more important than ever

    A prominent US diplomat said Monday that Skolkovo’s partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is more important now than ever. In opening remarks at the US-Russia Research Symposium in the Russian capital, Jeffrey Sexton, minister...

    15 December, 15:31 Nowak David