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  • «Сколково» на Slush-2018

    В Хельсинки 4-5 декабря проходит самая крупная в Северной Европе технологическая конференция Slush. Фонд «Сколково» на ней представляют более 20-ти стартапов. Cреди них, как отметил на открытии российского стенда Президент Фонда Виктор Вексельберг...

    05 December, 10:53 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Skolkovo can walk, now it must learn to run – presidential advisor

    HELSINKI, Finland – The warm welcome meted out to the Skolkovo delegation at Europe’s biggest startup conference last week shows that Russia is becoming a key player on the international tech scene, but the organization can’t rest on its laurels...

    25 November, 9:25 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo's startups at Slush: Exhibiting, networking, impressing

    HELSINKI, Finland - The Skolkovo stand at Slush 2014 featured so many resident companies that they weren’t all able to exhibit their innovations simultaneously. A handful of the total 51 startups – out to woo the wealthy investors milling around...

    19 November, 17:53 Nowak David
  • Amid lasers and dry ice, Finnish PM opens Slush 2014

    HELSINKI, Finland - In a high-tech flurry of lasers and dry ice, Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb raised the curtain on Europe’s largest conference on the startup industry on Tuesday, with Skolkovo’s biggest ever delegation of 53 companies...

    18 November, 11:36 Nowak David
  • While Helsinki parties hard, Skolkovo startups cram for Slush

    HELSINKI, Finland - While many of Slush’s 10,000 attendees were partying into the night at the grand opening of Europe’s biggest startup conference on Monday night, Skolkovo’s top startups were cramming ahead of a potentially life-changing...

    17 November, 19:44 Nowak David
  • SLUSH-2014 в цифрах, фактах и цитатах

    ХЕЛЬСИНКИ, Финляндия. Крупнейшая в Европе конференция стартапов Slush проходит в Хельсинки с 18 по 19 ноября: свыше 10 тысяч человек из более чем 2500 компаний прибудут в финскую столицу. Более 200 спикеров выступят на пяти сценах, среди них премьер-министры...

    17 November, 4:58 Baklanov Mikhail