Tagged Content
  • Skolkovo startups in U.S. biotech capital for BIO Convention

    Twenty Skolkovo biomed startups are heading to the 2018 BIO International Convention in Boston this week to showcase their innovations at one of the world’s biggest biotech events. Twenty-six Skolkovo resident startups are taking part in BIO 2018...

    04 June, 11:09 Collinson Shura
  • Фонд «Сколково» на Geneva Health Forum

    В Женеве завершился Geneva Health Forum. Это одна из самых представительных мировых площадок для обсуждения инновационных решений в области здравоохранения и медицины. Форум проводится раз в два года, и на этот раз его почетным гостем стала Российская Федерация...

    19 April, 13:50 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Insilico Medicine unveils new tool for tracking aging

    Insilico Medicine, the parent company of Skolkovo biomed startup Insilico, has launched a beta 1.0 version of a system that will study aging at the population level and track the efficacy of anti-aging interventions, and could one day help to prevent diseases...

    12 September, 15:20 Collinson Shura
  • Russia’s first bioprinter presented at global industry conference

    Russia’s first bioprinter went on display Tuesday at an international bioprinting and biofabrication conference at the Skolkovo Hypercube. For the second year running the Skolkovo Innovation Center is holding one of the world's top events in biotechnology...

    21 October, 15:25 Nowak David