Tagged Content
  • Skolkovo could add sixth cluster to develop agricultural technology

    A research cluster devoted to agriculture technology could appear at the Skolkovo Foundation in the near future, Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg said Wednesday. Speaking at a conference on innovating in times of economic difficulties, Vekselberg said...

    28 January, 12:50 Nowak David
  • US diplomat: Skolkovo/MIT partnership more important than ever

    A prominent US diplomat said Monday that Skolkovo’s partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is more important now than ever. In opening remarks at the US-Russia Research Symposium in the Russian capital, Jeffrey Sexton, minister...

    15 December, 15:31 Nowak David
  • «Сколково» и инновационная фармацевтика

    Сотрудники биомедицинского кластера «Сколково» приняли участие в форуме Института Адама Смита, посвященном исследованию и разработке инновационных препаратов в России. Фонд представляли директор по науке кластера Юрий Никольский, проектный менеджер...

    26 November, 8:59 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Moscow oils its gears for Robonight

    This weekend sees the second Robonight in Moscow, a celebration of machines through films, exhibitions and even a robodisco – where, perhaps, robots will do the robot. Robonight is an initiative by the Skolkovo Foundation and the Skolkovo Open University...

    16 September, 12:27 Nowak David