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  • ExoAtlet exoskeletons approved for sale in South Korea

    ExoAtlet, a Skolkovo resident startup that makes medical exoskeletons that enable wheelchair-users to walk again, has obtained certification of its product in South Korea, meaning its exoskeletons can be purchased by rehabilitation clinics and individual users...

    05 May, 11:39 Collinson Shura
  • Под Новый год 20 «ЭкзоАтлетов» поступят в клиники Москвы

    Всего за год сколковская компания «ЭкзоАтлет» перешла от единичных продаж к поставке партий медицинских экзоскелетов для реабилитации. Сегодня «ЭкзоАтлет» доставил 5 экзоскелетов в Научно-практический центр медико-социальной реабилитации...

    19 December, 11:25 Baklanov Mikhail
  • RST2015: Rostov pitch session winners revealed

    Adaptive toys for rehabilitation and a robotic assistant surgeon were among 13 winning innovations at the first stage of the Russian Startup Tour in Rostov-on-Don. More than 100 projects from the southern city and surrounding region competed for a place...

    05 February, 11:01 Nowak David