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  • Фонд «Сколково» на Geneva Health Forum

    В Женеве завершился Geneva Health Forum. Это одна из самых представительных мировых площадок для обсуждения инновационных решений в области здравоохранения и медицины. Форум проводится раз в два года, и на этот раз его почетным гостем стала Российская Федерация...

    19 April, 13:50 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Second foreign assignment for the Startup Tour to kick off in Minsk

    The second foray outside the confines of Russia begins Tuesday for the Startup Tour, which visits the Belarusian capital of Minsk in its quest to uncover and develop the top startups in the CIS. The National Library of Belarus in Minsk, venue for the...

    13 April, 11:06 Nowak David
  • A fireside chat with Russia’s leaders of innovation

    HELSINKI, Finland - Russia’s chief proponents of innovation took to the silver stage Tuesday at Slush 2014, Europe’s biggest startup conference, to share the secrets of entering the Russian market. From left: Galitsky, Viljakainen, Dvorkovich...

    18 November, 15:09 Nowak David
  • Russia won’t economize on Skolkovo – deputy PM

    HELSINKI, Finland - The finances are in place to guarantee the Skolkovo Innovation Center will be completed on schedule, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich told sk.ru on Tuesday. Speaking on the sidelines of Slush 2014, Europe’s biggest...

    18 November, 12:44 Nowak David