Tagged Content
  • Названы победители Стартап-тура во Владивостоке

    Во Владивостоке стали известны победители конкурса проектов в рамках двухдневного дальневосточного этапа Стартап-тура Места в треке «Биотехнологии в медицине и сельском хозяйстве» распределились следующим образом: 1 место - Евгений Самошкин...

    24 January, 10:59 Mungalov Dmitry
  • A new acceleration program for Skolkovo’s mobile tech startups

    Inside Skolkovo’s IT cluster, a handful of early-stage companies involved in mobile technology are undergoing an acceleration program designed to get their innovations to market faster. .Vasily Ryzhonkov, head of the software acceleration program at...

    22 July, 15:21 Nowak David
  • Prizes, prizes, prizes

    It’s not just millions of rubles and Skolkovo residency on offer for the winners of the Startup Village pitch sessions: Companies from IBM to Google and SAP are lining up to reward the top startups with investment, acceleration programs and entry into...

    29 May, 8:51 Nowak David