• Six Skolkovo startups reaching for the stars

    Space has been part of the Russian national consciousness for more than half a century. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the space industry has had a series of setbacks, but Russia is determined to retain its leading role in space exploration, and in...

    12 April, 15:27 Collinson Shura
  • Dauria begins countdown to space launch of its satellites for Roscosmos

    Dauria Aerospace , one of Russia’s first private space startups, is preparing to launch two of its satellites into space on the morning of July 14. The cluster of smallsats has already been integrated with the upper stage of the Fregat at Baikonur...

    10 July, 17:23 Collinson Shura
  • Поверь, Земля, люди найдут пути

    Интервью с Иваном Соболевым, ведущим инженером-конструктором «Даурии Аэроспейс», о том, как человечество, выйдя за пределы нашей «колыбельки» - Земли, может спасти биосферу нашей планеты. * В заглавии статьи - слова из песни группы...

    25 December, 10:42 Олег Никишенков