• Amazon Now Sells Own ARM chips

    LONDON—Annapurna Labs Inc., a subsidiary of Internet shopping channel Amazon.com, has announced the availability of its Alpine range of ARM-based chips and subsystems aimed at home use Wi-Fi routers and Network-Attached Storage devices. Annapurna was...

    23 March, 1:03 gk
  • Сколково присоединяется к программе Amazon Web Services Activate

    В рамках поддержки инновационных стартап-проектов России Фонд «Сколково» выбрал Amazon Web Services (AWS) для предоставления всем компаниям-резидентам Фонда уникальной возможности участия в программе AWS Activate (Amazon Web Services). Данная программа...

    23 July, 10:21 Voronkov Viktor
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk vs Jelastic

    Jelastic is growing rapidly, and we are constantly asked how we differ from other Platform as a Service applications on the market. And today we’ll compare Jelastic to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk? AWS Elastic Beanstalk enables...

    17 April, 17:18 Tatyana Kuznetsova