Tags: Conference en Portugal 5th PYCHEM
  • 5th PYCHEM & 1st EUROchem conference in Portugal

    Dmitrii Semenok, CEO "Diazocompounds" and "Organic Emitters" took part in the 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (PYCHEM) and, officially, 1st European Young Chemists Meeting that was held in very soulful Portugal city Guimaraes near...

    12 May, 23:53 dmitrii.semenok
  • Invitation to 5th PYCHEM conference in Portugal

    Our research group had been invited to make oral presentation about our results in organic synthesis at the 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (5th PYCheM) and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting (1st EYCheM), which will take place in the historical and...

    14 February, 16:08 dmitrii.semenok