• UAE delegation talks foodtech during visit to Skolkovo

    A delegation from the United Arab Emirates visited the Skolkovo innovation city on Thursday to discuss cooperation in areas including food technology. L-R: Skolkovo's Arkady Dvorkovich, Mariam Al Mehairi and Skolkovo Ventures' Vasily Belov. Photo...

    23 November, 14:42 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo inks deals with Huawei, Nornickel, Russian Post

    The Skolkovo Foundation signed a raft of agreements with both Russian and international companies and venture funds at the Open Innovations forum this week. Skolkovo's chairman of the board Igor Drozdov (left) and Russian Post's Nikolai Podguzov...

    17 October, 17:45 Collinson Shura
  • КНС в Технопарке Сколково

    4 апреля 2017 года состоялось заседание Консультативного научного совета Фонда «Сколково» под председательством нобелевских лауреатов Жореса Алферова и Роджера Корнберга. >>> Заседание Консультативного научного совета впервые проходило...

    05 April, 16:20 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Skolkovo to focus on boosting economic development in Russia’s regions

    The Skolkovo Foundation will spend the next few years focusing on developing tech entrepreneurship in Russia’s regions, the foundation’s chairman of the board told a meeting of its scientific advisory council on Tuesday. Nobel prize winners...

    04 April, 16:04 Collinson Shura
  • На каждую компанию «Сколково» приходится по патенту

    За семь лет существования Фонда «Сколково» его участниками стали 1642 компании, которыми получено 1100 патентов на объекты интеллектуальной собственности. Эти данные были оглашены на заседании Консультативного научного совета (КНС) Фонда. Если...

    04 April, 14:01 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Международный форум "Открытые инновации"

    В Москве на ВДНХ завершил свою работу четвертый форум «Открытые инновации». Столичный мэр Сергей Собянин на правах хозяина предложил сделать ВДНХ постоянной площадкой для проведения «Открытых инноваций». Градоначальник отметил...

    01 November, 23:00 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Registration opens for IASP conference in Moscow

    At the 32 nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation in Beijing this week, registration officially opened for next year’s event, which is taking place in Moscow and being hosted by Skolkovo. Alexander Chernov, left, with IASP...

    25 September, 9:12 Nowak David
  • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: Skolkovo is producing results

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says Skolkovo is starting to produce tangible results, despite being less than five years old. From left: Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg, his advisor Pekka Viljakainen, and Prime Minister Medvedev. Photo: sk.ru ...

    04 June, 14:54 Nowak David
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Startup Tour opens door to Skolkovo ecosystem in Kazakhstan

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The Kazakh stage of the Startup Tour concluded on Friday with several innovations winning a place at the Startup Village in June and, perhaps more significantly, the foundations put in place for of a new era of high-tech cooperation between...

    20 March, 17:17 Nowak David
  • Top Kazakh minister opens Startup Tour in Almaty

    ALMATY - Kazakhstan’s Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev raised the curtain Thursday on the sixth leg of the Russian Startup Tour - and first to take place abroad – with a call to transform Almaty into a major innovations hub...

    19 March, 8:29 Nowak David
  • Inaugural Technopark Convention kicks off at Skolkovo Hypercube

    The inaugural Technopark Convention began at the Skolkovo Hypercube on Thursday, raising the curtain on Russia’s first wide-scale forum for knowledge exchange, idea-generation and dialogue with state officials on the current situation and prospects for...

    13 November, 13:52 Nowak David