• Amid Pokemon mania, Russia’s budding virtual reality market thinks big

    Even before Pokemon GO fever struck the world, 2016 had already been dubbed the year of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) by tech-watchers due to the number of new devices hitting the market this year. Then Nintendo’s Pokemon-themed AR game took the...

    05 August, 12:47 Collinson Shura
  • Корпорация Сингапур

    Сингапур — город-государство, построенный по принципу корпорации с хорошо отлаженными процессами. За каждое направление деятельности здесь отвечают автономные государственные агентства, которые можно сравнить с департаментами в корпорации. Деньги распределяются...

    31 May, 11:34 Efendieva Marina
  • Indoor navigation startup Navigine secures $400,000 from Finnish-led investment syndicate

    Navigine , a resident company of the Skolkovo Foundation that makes indoor navigation and tracking systems, has attracted $400,000 in investment from a syndicate led by Finnish fintech company Innovestor. The deal with Navigine is Innovestor’s first...

    23 March, 17:01 Collinson Shura