• Ask a cosmonaut: Russian ISS crewmembers take part in Skolkovo conference

    A pair of very special speakers took part in a conference devoted to 3D bioprinting in space at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Wednesday. Two cosmonauts – commander Anton Shkaplerov and flight engineer Oleg Artemyev – answered questions and interacted...

    11 April, 18:19 Collinson Shura
  • Preparing to print organs — in space

    Skolkovo resident 3D Bioprinting Solutions made headlines around the world in 2015 when it printed a functioning thyroid construct and transplanted it successfully into a mouse. Now it looks set to make history again by sending a bioprinter into space. 3D...

    29 March, 15:00 Collinson Shura
  • Sputnix, Far Eastern University join forces to promote space entrepreneurship

    Sputnix , a resident startup of the Skolkovo Foundation that makes hi-tech microsatellite components and services, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Far Eastern Federal University ( FEFA ) on educational scientific work to create and operate small...

    27 October, 15:42 Collinson Shura
  • «СПУТНИКС» договорился о сотрудничестве с ДВФУ

    Компания «СПУТНИКС», резидент Фонда «Сколково», и Дальневосточный федеральный университет договорились о сотрудничестве в области учебно-научной деятельности по технологиям создания и функционирования малых космических аппаратов и систем...

    27 October, 14:04 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Asteroid mining: Russian experts call for action in the new space race

    Russia’s official position on the potentially lucrative field of asteroid mining is that it is outlawed by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which declares that space is “the province of mankind,” and that its use and exploration must “benefit...

    20 October, 14:16 Collinson Shura
  • Точечное точное земледелие

    Чтобы прокормить растущее население Земли, в ближайшие полвека человечеству придется произвести такое же количество еды, какое было произведено за минувшие 10 тысяч лет. Такой прогноз прозвучал в Гиперкубе в Сколково на первой масштабной и тематически разнообразной...

    31 March, 14:39 Mungalov Dmitry