• Skolkovo unveils first Uber-style service for R&D

    An online marketplace that allows users to search for, order and track research and development at all stages has been launched by the Skolkovo Technopark. The Skolkovo Technopark offers a range of services aimed to help innovative tech startups. Photo...

    19 June, 12:47 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo Technopark to host first CEBIT Russia

    The first Russian incarnation of the giant German digital business expo CEBIT will take place at the Skolkovo Technopark next year after the technopark signed a cooperation agreement with Deutsche Messe Rus, the Russian arm of the event’s organizer. ...

    13 June, 14:52 Collinson Shura
  • Food giant Cherkizovo to open acceleration centre at Skolkovo Technopark

    Skolkovo’s Technopark has signed an agreement with Cherkizovo Group, a major Russian meat producer, to establish an acceleration centre for Skolkovo resident startups working in the areas of biotech in agriculture and industry. Renat Batyrov, left...

    25 November, 13:47 Collinson Shura
  • Международный форум "Открытые инновации"

    В Москве на ВДНХ завершил свою работу четвертый форум «Открытые инновации». Столичный мэр Сергей Собянин на правах хозяина предложил сделать ВДНХ постоянной площадкой для проведения «Открытых инноваций». Градоначальник отметил...

    01 November, 23:00 Vitaly Shustikov
  • 'Caring for people in their environment'

    The Skolkovo Innovation Center is often praised for the rate at which it is sprouting out of the ground on a patch of land just west of Moscow. Just a few years into the project, hundreds of resident companies are already here, as is the Skoltech university...

    01 September, 9:21 Nowak David
  • The day the Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    A key message that Skolkovo transmits its startups is the need to expand into new territories. Now it is leading by example: This week, Russia’s biggest innovations roadshow ventures abroad for the first time in its five-year history. Almaty - the...

    13 March, 14:02 Nowak David