• Skolkovo teams up with U.K. centre to tackle antimicrobial resistance

    The Skolkovo Foundation has joined forces with the U.K.’s AMR Centre, a private-public initiative launched in 2016 to support and accelerate the development of new antibiotics, to combat the global problem of antimicrobial resistance. Skolkovo's...

    15 December, 14:23 Collinson Shura
  • Lawyers vs. artificial intelligence: Skolkovo to host LegalTech forum

    A proposal sent to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to use artificial intelligence to improve Russia’s legal system made the headlines this week, but this process is in fact already underway. Robot-lawyers, the use of blockchain to create smart contracts...

    15 November, 15:28 Collinson Shura
  • Asteroid mining: Russian experts call for action in the new space race

    Russia’s official position on the potentially lucrative field of asteroid mining is that it is outlawed by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which declares that space is “the province of mankind,” and that its use and exploration must “benefit...

    20 October, 14:16 Collinson Shura
  • Russian startups race to meet renewable energy targets

    Russia’s wealth of fossil fuel resources has inevitably made it easy for the country to ignore renewable energy sources (RES). In recent years, however, several government initiatives have been launched to develop this sector, and at the REENCON-21 International...

    09 November, 12:03 Collinson Shura
  • Морская энергетика

    Морская энергетика может решить проблемы электроснабжения нефте-газодобывающих платформ без воздействия на окружающую среду с помощью новых подводных безопасных для биосферы вихревых гидроэлектростанций. Описание проблемы Наступила новая эра освоения океана...

  • Skolkovo Robotics 2016: жить и работать с роботами

    Роботы: друзья или враги? Способны ли они изменить наш мир? Как развитие робототехники повлияет на экономику, насколько далеко ушел научно-технический прогресс и когда наступит неизбежное будущее, в котором человеку придется жить и работать бок о бок с «умными»...

    05 May, 12:19 Efendieva Marina
  • Shoot to heal, not to kill: Russia’s bioprinting leaders dream of a new national export

    “What’s Russia famous for? The Kalashnikov – the AK47,” says Vladimir Mironov, chief scientific officer at 3D Bioprinting Solutions . “Well now we have a different motto: not shoot to kill, but shoot to heal – using a tissue...

    12 February, 12:04 Collinson Shura
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Техностарт-2015

    Компания Адаплаб приняла участие в конкурсе Техностарт 2015 в числе 20 финалистов. В рамках подготовки к конкурсу активно проводилась менторская сессия, где мы получили ценные советы экспертов из области машиностроения, инвесторов технического сектора...

    15 April, 18:39 alex7
  • Introducing Lexy, the robot with mood swings

    People are fast becoming accustomed to laptops and smartphones talking back, delivering information about the weather, movies, restaurants in that unmistakably computerized monotone. Ask for an email update every five minutes and that’s exactly what you’ll...

    29 September, 11:57 Nowak David