• Russia's development institutes join forces to launch new wave of tech competitions

    The U.S. may be streets ahead in the development of driverless cars, but there is one area where Russia could still overtake, Russian technology experts believe. Their secret weapon? That tried-and-tested historical ally, General Winter. For it’s one...

    13 December, 14:59 Collinson Shura
  • Морская энергетика

    Морская энергетика может решить проблемы электроснабжения нефте-газодобывающих платформ без воздействия на окружающую среду с помощью новых подводных безопасных для биосферы вихревых гидроэлектростанций. Описание проблемы Наступила новая эра освоения океана...

  • UNIHEAT shortlisted for IChemE innovation award

    An energy-saving project co-funded by the Skolkovo Foundation has been shortlisted for the prestigious IChemE Global Awards for excellence, innovation and achievement in the chemical, process and biochemical industries. UNIHEAT was created in 2012...

    18 August, 11:48 Nowak David