• Satellite sharing: pushing new boundaries in space

    Finding new ways of commercially exploiting satellites already in orbit, while creating economic value in the process: this is the goal of the research being carried out by Alessandro Golkar, Interim Director of the Space Center and Associate Professor at the...

    27 July, 12:35 Collinson Shura
  • From Russia with robots

    Albert Yefimov, head of the Skolkovo Foundation's Robotics Center, has written an article for thedisruptory.com, an online resource devoted to innovative technology including robotics, on the Russian robotics industry, popular attitudes to robots in Russia...

    02 March, 11:56 Collinson Shura
  • An interview with Albert Yefimov, head of Skolkovo Robotics Centre

    Ahead of his appearance at the Innorobo Keynote in Paris in May, Albert Yefimov, head of the Skolkovo Foundation's Robotics Centre , gave an interview to TheDisruptory, a website devoted to disruptive innovations from around the world. Image: thedisruptory...

    10 February, 9:56 Collinson Shura