• Морская энергетика

    Морская энергетика может решить проблемы электроснабжения нефте-газодобывающих платформ без воздействия на окружающую среду с помощью новых подводных безопасных для биосферы вихревых гидроэлектростанций. Описание проблемы Наступила новая эра освоения океана...

  • Satellite sharing: pushing new boundaries in space

    Finding new ways of commercially exploiting satellites already in orbit, while creating economic value in the process: this is the goal of the research being carried out by Alessandro Golkar, Interim Director of the Space Center and Associate Professor at the...

    27 July, 12:35 Collinson Shura
  • End of an era: Edward Crawley hands over leadership of Skoltech to Alexander Kuleshov

    Edward Crawley, the charismatic U.S. professor who has headed the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) since its founding, on Friday officially handed over his duties as president to his Russian successor, Dr. Alexander Kuleshov. Edward...

    12 February, 16:43 Collinson Shura