• ExoAtlet sets up joint venture to launch its exoskeletons in Japan

    Skolkovo resident ExoAtlet , the inventor of rehabilitation exoskeletons that help disabled people to walk again, has set its sights for expansion on Japan, where it is setting up a joint venture with its South Korean partners and investors. Dennis Ahn...

    27 November, 16:19 Collinson Shura
  • LG Electronics eyes promising Skolkovo startups

    A delegation of more than 40 representatives of South Korea’s LG Electronics visited the Skolkovo innovation centre on Monday to investigate opportunities for cooperation and meet some of Skolkovo’s hi-tech startups. LG Electronics' CTO...

    04 July, 13:56 Collinson Shura
  • Международный форум "Открытые инновации"

    В Москве на ВДНХ завершил свою работу четвертый форум «Открытые инновации». Столичный мэр Сергей Собянин на правах хозяина предложил сделать ВДНХ постоянной площадкой для проведения «Открытых инноваций». Градоначальник отметил...

    01 November, 23:00 Vitaly Shustikov