• Patents Power competition winners awarded grants from Bayer

    Three innovative biomed projects were selected as the winners of the Patents Power competition last week organised by the Skolkovo Foundation, the German pharma company Bayer and Rospatent, Russia’s federal intellectual property service. Finalists...

    06 November, 16:34 Collinson Shura
  • В Сколково стартовала Патентная школа

    Недалек тот день, когда девушки будут гордиться не дорогими сумочками известных брендов, а наличием интеллектуальных прав на изобретения, полезные модели и промышленные образцы. Очаровать таких девушек будут стремиться юноши им под стать – делающие ставку...

    01 November, 14:06 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Bayer, Skolkovo launch competition for biotech startups

    The Skolkovo Foundation has teamed up with the multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company Bayer to launch a competition to help biotech startups advance their projects and secure their intellectual property rights. The competition, titled Patents...

    19 September, 14:00 Collinson Shura