• End of an era: Edward Crawley hands over leadership of Skoltech to Alexander Kuleshov

    Edward Crawley, the charismatic U.S. professor who has headed the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) since its founding, on Friday officially handed over his duties as president to his Russian successor, Dr. Alexander Kuleshov. Edward...

    12 February, 16:43 Collinson Shura
  • Сколтех посетили немецкие ученые

    8 февраля, когда в России отмечали День науки, в Сколковском институте науки и технологий побывала делегация Объединения имени Гельмгольца – крупнейшей научно-исследовательской организации Германии. Она состоит из 18 естественнонаучных, технических и...

    09 February, 13:40 Mungalov Dmitry
  • US diplomat: Skolkovo/MIT partnership more important than ever

    A prominent US diplomat said Monday that Skolkovo’s partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is more important now than ever. In opening remarks at the US-Russia Research Symposium in the Russian capital, Jeffrey Sexton, minister...

    15 December, 15:31 Nowak David