• Новый закон о «Сколково» вступил в силу

    Проект «Сколково» на пороге своего десятилетия получил новый инструмент: вступил в силу обновленный закон об инновационном центре. За счет снятия территориальных ограничений, которые были в ранее действовавшем документе, он поможет кратно нарастить...

    13 August, 8:43 Vitaly Shustikov
  • Biobank lab opens in Skolkovo Technopark

    Russia’s first commercial research biobank, National BioService , opened a brand new laboratory at the Skolkovo Technopark on Thursday. The National BioService lab at the Skolkovo Technopark will be used for both the company's own research and...

    23 November, 18:06 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo startup harnesses nuclear medicine to diagnose rare cancers

    Pharm-Sintez.Lab , a resident startup of the Skolkovo Foundation’s nuclear cluster, has developed a system for detecting rare forms of cancer in Russian patients. Lev Voloznev, CEO of Pharm-Sintez.Lab, pictured in his lab at the Skolkovo Technopark...

    03 October, 17:08 Collinson Shura
  • Юрий Никольский: «Я нестандартный ученый»

    Ровно два года назад, 11 августа 2014 года, на сайте Sk.ru было опубликовано первое интервью нового директора по науке биомедицинского кластера «Сколково» Юрия Никольского. Проживший к тому времени 20 лет в Америке 49-летний ученый и предприниматель...

    12 August, 8:02 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Amid Pokemon mania, Russia’s budding virtual reality market thinks big

    Even before Pokemon GO fever struck the world, 2016 had already been dubbed the year of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) by tech-watchers due to the number of new devices hitting the market this year. Then Nintendo’s Pokemon-themed AR game took the...

    05 August, 12:47 Collinson Shura
  • On the menu of the future: crushed maggots

    Amid the satellites, virtual reality headsets, 3D printers and other hi-tech products on show at Skolkovo’s recent Startup Bazaar, the stand housing a cage of buzzing flies and jar of writhing maggots stood out. Also on the table were jars of dried and...

    16 June, 14:40 Collinson Shura
  • Skolkovo Robotics 2016: «Мы убедились в силе нашего сообщества»

    В Сколково прошла конференция Skolkovo Robotics , где по традиции встретились роботы и люди, ими увлеченные. Энтузиазму робототехников и гостей мероприятия не помешали ни дождь, ни ветер. Конференцию и выставку посетили около полутора тысяч человек. Более 500...

    21 May, 19:47 Efendieva Marina
  • Shoot to heal, not to kill: Russia’s bioprinting leaders dream of a new national export

    “What’s Russia famous for? The Kalashnikov – the AK47,” says Vladimir Mironov, chief scientific officer at 3D Bioprinting Solutions . “Well now we have a different motto: not shoot to kill, but shoot to heal – using a tissue...

    12 February, 12:04 Collinson Shura
  • Алгоритм успеха от академика Кулешова

    ВЛАДИВОСТОК. «Деньги вкладывают не в проект. Деньги вкладывают в людей». С таким заявлением выступил на открывшемся 4 февраля на острове Русский этапе Стартап-тура академик Александр Кулешов. Всемирно известный математик на днях вступает в должность...

    04 February, 9:45 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: Skolkovo is producing results

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says Skolkovo is starting to produce tangible results, despite being less than five years old. From left: Skolkovo president Victor Vekselberg, his advisor Pekka Viljakainen, and Prime Minister Medvedev. Photo: sk.ru ...

    04 June, 14:54 Nowak David
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Forging innovation in metallurgy with EcoSlag

    In the first of a series of interviews, Sk.ru discovers what makes innovators tick in the less glamorous but no less critical field of metallurgy. Recycling steelmaking slag the EcoSlag way. Photo: Amir Shakurov EcoSlag is a Moscow-based firm that...

    10 April, 12:49 Nowak David
  • Kaliningrad hosts Skolkovo Scientific Advisory Council meeting

    Less than a week after opening a branch in Vladivostok, Skolkovo wrapped up its Scientific Advisory Council meeting in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad on Friday, illustrating the foundation’s geographical reach domestically. Just days after the Vladivostok...

    10 April, 11:35 Nowak David
  • Optogard Nanotech blazes a trail for Skolkovo in China

    Skolkovo nuclear cluster resident Optogard Nanotech has completed a six-day trip to China that saw the firm sign a contract to supply the country’s largest pipeline manufacturer, Shandong Trustpipe Industry, with cutting-edge laser technology that toughens...

    06 April, 15:27 Nowak David
  • Promobot поставит в МТИ 50 роботов для масштабного исследования

    На третьей международной конференции Skolkovo Robotics резидент «Сколково» компания Promobot подписала соглашение с Московским технологическим институтом ( МТИ ). В рамках соглашения Promobot поставит в МТИ 50 роботов. Они станут участниками двухлетнего...

    21 March, 13:56 Efendieva Marina
  • Startup Tour opens door to Skolkovo ecosystem in Kazakhstan

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The Kazakh stage of the Startup Tour concluded on Friday with several innovations winning a place at the Startup Village in June and, perhaps more significantly, the foundations put in place for of a new era of high-tech cooperation between...

    20 March, 17:17 Nowak David
  • The day the Russian Startup Tour ceases to be ‘Russian’

    A key message that Skolkovo transmits its startups is the need to expand into new territories. Now it is leading by example: This week, Russia’s biggest innovations roadshow ventures abroad for the first time in its five-year history. Almaty - the...

    13 March, 14:02 Nowak David
  • Biomed startup develops vanishing blood clot trap

    It took his grandfather’s brush with death to turn Leonid Glushchenko into an innovator. He was a fresh-faced, 21-year-old medical student at a university on the Volga River when the pensioner developed a life-threatening blood clot. Saving Pyotr...

    05 February, 9:30 Nowak David