• Объявлены победители Startup Village 2016

    В Сколково завершилась конференция Startup Village, собравшая 20 тысяч человек из 27 стран. В мероприятии приняли участие представители власти, первые лица крупных компаний, ученые, эксперты. Но главными героями двух дней стали стартапы — они представляли...

    03 June, 19:52 Efendieva Marina
  • Boeing unveils innovative training and research centre at Skolkovo

    The U.S. aviation giant Boeing opened a state-of-the-art training and research centre at the Skolkovo innovation city outside Moscow on June 3, during the annual Startup Village. The Boeing centre is already home to two flight simulators, and is due to...

    03 June, 17:25 Collinson Shura
  • Startup Village reveals Skolkovo to be as international as ever

    Sanctions, food import bans and public sabre-rattling between Russia and the West seemed like nothing more than a bad dream at the opening of the Startup Village, an international event for tech entrepreneurs, at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Thursday....

    02 June, 16:45 Collinson Shura