• Thrombosis prevention test, HR robot and parking app win Startup Village prizes

    The sixth Skolkovo Startup Village ended on Friday evening with an awards ceremony for the winning tech startups and projects that had taken part in the event’s competition. The winners of the 2018 Startup Village hold up their prizes on the main...

    01 June, 19:30 Collinson Shura
  • Travelling in time and space – with the help of tech

    If you’re stuck for ideas of where to go on holiday this summer, how about visiting a mythical world you once saw in a dream? Or how about spending some time on Mars? If you’re looking for something more earthly but can’t face a long-haul...

    29 June, 12:56 Collinson Shura
  • Объявлены победители Startup Village 2016

    В Сколково завершилась конференция Startup Village, собравшая 20 тысяч человек из 27 стран. В мероприятии приняли участие представители власти, первые лица крупных компаний, ученые, эксперты. Но главными героями двух дней стали стартапы — они представляли...

    03 June, 19:52 Efendieva Marina