• Six Skolkovo startups reaching for the stars

    Space has been part of the Russian national consciousness for more than half a century. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the space industry has had a series of setbacks, but Russia is determined to retain its leading role in space exploration, and in...

    12 April, 15:27 Collinson Shura
  • InSpace 3.0: Roscosmos, space startups hash out plans for joint success

    Every spring for the last three years, Russia’s leading space experts have met for the InSpace Forum in Moscow to discuss how to boost the country’s space industry by facilitating cooperation between the state space corporation Roscosmos and the...

    23 March, 15:32 Collinson Shura
  • Внеземной бизнес

    Скоро все мы забудем, что такое роуминг: мобильная связь станет одинаково дешевой и доступной в любой точке земного шара. Снимки Земли из космоса будут обновляться почти ежедневно в высочайшем разрешении — таком, что мы сможем, например, увидеть, насколько...

    18 April, 10:56 Vitaly Shustikov