• Skolkovo Cyberday: информбезопасности сулят блестящее будущее

    В мире есть два типа компаний. Одни подверглись хакерской атаке, вторые пока не знают, что с ними это уже произошло. Это высказывание директора ФБР Джеймса Коми в концентрированном виде отражает суть дискуссии в Гиперкубе в Сколково, где в четверг проходит...

    08 December, 14:54 Mungalov Dmitry
  • Skolkovo Robotics event offers a glimpse of the future

    Leading experts in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence from around the world gathered at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Friday for the annual Skolkovo Robotics event. The annual Skolkovo Robotics event attracted both human robot-makers...

    23 May, 14:28 Collinson Shura
  • A foothold in Southeast Asia for Skolkovo

    The Skolkovo Foundation and 11 of its resident startups have sought to gain a key foothold in Southeast Asia, as a road show to Singapore brought opportunities for forging new partnerships and cementing existing ties. The motivation behind the trip to...

    06 July, 11:37 Nowak David
  • Cloud computing on Costa del Sol: Jelastic opens Malaga office

    Cloud hosting developer Jelastic announced the establishment of its European headquarters in Malaga, Spain, on Tuesday, anchoring the software company among the continent’s IT elite. Skolkovo VP Igor Bogachev, center left, with Jelastic representatives...

    03 March, 13:38 Nowak David
  • Russian Startup Tour reaches Kazan

    More than 140 startups registered an interest to take part in the Kazan stage of the Russian Startup Tour, the fourth stop on the innovations roadshow that runs Tuesday and Wednesday in the Tatarstan capital. The Kazan Kremlin. Photo: flickr The...

    02 March, 10:43 Nowak David
  • Индия: интерес к российским стартапам есть

    В феврале 12 российских технологических компаний-резидентов «Сколково» приняли участие в конференции IndiaSoft-2015 в Нью-Дели . Подводя итоги поездки, вице-президент, исполнительный директор кластера информационных технологий Фонда «Сколково»...

    28 February, 12:34 Efendieva Marina
  • Investors ready to plow $20 million into Russian-Indian innovations – Skolkovo VP

    Investors are ready to plow up to $20 million into joint startup projects between India and Russia, Skolkovo vice president Igor Bogachev told the TASS news agency Friday. “At Skolkovo alone we have 70 registered venture funds that want to invest in...

    13 February, 10:19 Nowak David
  • Seducing the subcontinent: 15 Skolkovo startups to rock IndiaSoft

    As part of the deal that President Vladimir Putin oversaw on a trip to New Delhi in December, fifteen Skolkovo IT companies will travel to India next month to take part in IndiaSoft, a leading industry conference. The February 12-14 conference is an international...

    16 January, 10:56 Nowak David