• Люди и роботы: стартовал форум Skolkovo Robotics

    В Сколково проходит международный робототехнический форум Skolkovo Robotics. Открывая его, ректор Сколтеха Александр Кулешов обозначил сразу несколько проблем российской роботехники, главная из которых связана с образованием «У нас нет ясного определения...

    24 April, 13:44 Mungalov Dmitry
  • The robots are coming – and Skolkovo is ready

    “Will robots take over?” and “Will robots take our jobs?” are the most frequent robot predictions searched for on Google. The internet, alas, does not always have accurate answers. But if anyone knows what the future holds in store for...

    30 March, 8:36 Collinson Shura
  • Artificial intelligence to dominate discussions at Skolkovo

    Questions surrounding artificial intelligence and whether or not it constitutes a threat to mankind have dominated the headlines this year. Now the Skolkovo innovation centre is gathering together Russian and international experts in this field to discuss the...

    10 November, 14:05 Collinson Shura