• Internet security company Group-IB gets 5 million rubles mini-grant

    IT security company Group-IB, a Skolkovo resident, has been awarded a mini-grant of 5 million rubles from the foundation to develop its payment protection system. The money, which is added to private investment of the same amount, will be put towards...

    16 July, 16:26 Nowak David
  • Catalyzing angel investment in Almaty

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan - It’s springtime in downtown Almaty, though winter is blowing its last frigid gusts off the snowy peaks of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountain range and around the city's skyscrapers and Soviet-built housing blocks. At a downtown...

    30 March, 12:05 Nowak David
  • Business angels brandish tridents at pitch session

    Angel investors may earn their nickname in the noble quest to rescue cash-starved startups, but, as revealed in a recent meeting of the Skolkovo Business Angels Club, they can be positively fiendish in forcing them to justify their salvation. The business...

    17 March, 13:28 Nowak David