• Three Whales among the IDEs, or Where to Write the Code

    You can’t do the job right without the right tools. Fortunately, there are plenty of development instruments designed to make programming productive and efficient. Once you become reasonably comfortable with the programming language and coding, you really should...

    08 August, 14:19 Anonymous
  • To Java or Not to Java: What Statistics Shows?

    There are tons of debates about Java, its development and ability to meet the requirements of a modern developer. Many authors determine in their posts and articles how soon Java will be vanished as a programming language, the others contradict, especially...

    28 July, 12:39 Anonymous
  • Top 10 Most Popular Cloud Applications for Your Project Just in One Click

    Every business or project needs a right set of tools to get the work done and achieve the required results. However, there is one pitfall in using 3rd party tools: you can waste much time on the installation and configuration of them, that may shift the main...

    04 July, 15:35 Anonymous
  • DZone Guide to Java: Development and Evolution

    Java is not just a programming language – it became a religion for millions of developers worldwide. Therefore, to meet the strong interest in this technology, DZone prepared an overwhelming guide about the current stage of Java development, as well as...

    27 June, 13:19 Anonymous
  • Java EE 8 – The Next Frontier. SouJava Interview with Ruslan Synytsky

    Today we`d like to talk about one of the hottest topics among all Java admirers – the upcoming release of Java EE 8. Within the SouJava initiative [Java EE 8 – The Next Frontier], Jelastic CEO and co-founder Ruslan Synytsky gave an interview to...

    16 May, 14:35 Anonymous
  • The Lifeblood of High Margin in Cloud Hosting Business

    Profit margin represents a correlation between the revenue you generate and the expenses you incur. Everyone aims to reach a high margin, however, many fail on half way. In this article, we’ll analyze the main mistakes while getting high margin and the...

    04 May, 10:35 Anonymous
  • Top 10 Articles of 2016: Cloud Hosting, DevOps, Containers and PaaS

    During 2016 we keep all our customers, admirers and blog subscribers informed about latest innovations and useful tricks in cloud hosting, PaaS, DevOps and containers industry, regularly publishing blog posts and informative guides. Around 80 blog articles...

    27 December, 17:03 Anonymous
  • Programming Trends and Technologies Landscape in Jelastic Cloud: 2016 Quarters 2-3

    The third quarter of 2016 has already passed, thus it’s a high time to make a summary and renew our software stacks & engines usage statistics. The report below is focused on analyzing popularity of programming languages and technologies among Jelastic...

    20 October, 14:23 Anonymous
  • Software Stacks Market Share: First Quarter of 2016

    Time flies insensibly and today we are here again to present the report on the first quarter of 2016th software stacks market share. For the case you’ve missed it, check our previous statistics article with the passed year summary, to get a better view on the...

    14 April, 15:37 Anonymous
  • 5 Year Anniversary of Jelastic. Let’s Celebrate Together!

    Thrilled to share the amazing news, today we are celebrating Jelastic anniversary. Even hard to believe but we are already 5 years old – mature but still young and full of energy! Jelastic was launched as a Public PaaS cloud provider for Java applications...

    27 January, 12:57 Anonymous
  • Software Stacks Market Share: Fourth Quarter of 2015

    Another year quarter has passed since the time of our last statistics review, so today we’ll analyze the work done, summarize the achievements of this period, and, of course, explore a new piece of statistics, trying to predict the next year tendencies on its...

    21 January, 16:04 Anonymous
  • New Market Segment for Hosting in 2016: DevOps, PaaS, Docker

    Hosting business struggles with a high level of competition.That’s because everybody offers IaaS/VPS becoming ordinary MSP similar to others. Customers want to get services with high level of automation, professional Docker hosting, workload mobility...

    22 December, 12:31 Anonymous
  • Interview with Ruslan Synytsky about DevOps and Docker Containers

    DevOps and Containers are gaining more and more popularity nowadays, and we in Jelastic keep up with the times. Recently our CEO Ruslan Synytsky gave an interview to Autentia Recording during the JelaCON 2015 in Madrid. He described the main DevOps problems...

    24 November, 16:08 Anonymous
  • Software Stacks Market Share: Third Quarter of 2015

    The third quarter of 2015 was truly astonishing for our team. Surely, the most vital here was the release of a new platform version, named Joker, complemented with the great number of conferences and meetups worldwide, like JavaOne in San Francisco, DockerCon...

    19 November, 12:34 Anonymous
  • Cloud Union – The Next Wave of Cloud Transformation

    A big shift in cloud computing business is rather predictable. So it’s important to be ready to the upcoming changes of getting and consuming cloud resources by customers. If you are an active hosting provider, cloud service provider, telco, systems integrator...

    01 September, 11:56 Anonymous
  • Software Stacks Market Share: Second Quarter of 2015

    Half a year has already passed and this means that our usual quarter software market statistics are due. First of all, let’s generalize some achievements reached during this period. In particular, the last months brought another major Jelastic “Trinity”...

    13 August, 14:19 Anonymous