• Egyptian ambassador sees 'big potential for bilateral cooperation' with Skolkovo

    Energy, space, ICT and smart city technologies are all areas in which Egypt could join forces with the Skolkovo Foundation, Egyptian Ambassador to Russia Ihab Nasr said during a visit to the Skolkovo innovation city on Monday. Egyptian Ambassador Ihab...

    26 February, 18:06 Collinson Shura
  • Премьер-министр Баварии в Сколково

    В Германии есть непереводимое выражение auf die Tischplatte klopfen: это когда немцы в знак одобрения чего-то стучат костяшками пальцев по столу. Так поступают и студенты на лекциях, и депутаты парламента. И именно таким образом поступили депутаты Ландтага...

    17 March, 12:27 Baklanov Mikhail
  • Japanese space startup and Singaporean app monetiser win Indonesian stage of Startup Tour

    The Skolkovo Foundation has awarded its first invitations to next year’s Startup Village in Moscow, selecting two Asian startups from the finalists of the Tech in Asia Jakarta Arena competition. The winners of Tech in Asia Jakarta Arena, including...

    17 November, 18:16 Collinson Shura
  • «Сколково» на «Связи»

    Сразу 20 компаний-резидентов «Сколково» представляют свои разработки на технологических выставках, проходящих в эти дни в «Экспоцентре». В выставке « Связь-2016 » — крупнейшем российском мероприятии, посвященном телекоммуникационным...

    12 May, 15:35 Efendieva Marina
  • Graviton wins Startup Village 2015 pitch competition

    Home security firm Graviton has destroyed the field to win the 2015 Startup Village pitch competition, impressing the judges with its sensor-based system to win the 3 million ruble prize and an invitation to become a Skolkovo resident. Graviton's...

    03 June, 19:31 Nowak David
  • Update available for Startup Village

    Improvements in this version of Startup Village: Record crowds, new setting, creative catering. Like the leading smartphone apps, Startup Village is constantly evolving. The third edition of Russia and Eastern Europe’s biggest startup event is no...

    26 May, 13:03 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo Scientific Advisory Council holds court at Stanford

    Skolkovo’s Scientific Advisory Council ended a whirlwind tour of American educational institutions this week by holding its quarterly meeting at Stanford University, where the prospects for Russian science, education and business came under scrutiny....

    06 November, 10:23 Nowak David
  • Skolkovo president Viktor Vekselberg invites Indian companies to Russia

    Skolkovo Foundation president Viktor Vekselberg has wrapped up a board meeting in India by inviting the country’s startups to take part in Russia’s top innovations project, ITAR-Tass reported Friday. Vekselberg, one of Russia’s top entrepreneurs...

    26 September, 14:53 Nowak David