• Skolkovo Robotics event offers a glimpse of the future

    Leading experts in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence from around the world gathered at the Skolkovo innovation centre on Friday for the annual Skolkovo Robotics event. The annual Skolkovo Robotics event attracted both human robot-makers...

    23 May, 14:28 Collinson Shura
  • Центр разработок Tizen откроется в Сколково

    Фонд «Сколково» и российская ассоциация «Тайзен.ру» при участии компании Samsung Electronics подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве, целью которого является развитие отечественных программных продуктов и устройств на базе открытой ОС...

    04 February, 12:40 Efendieva Marina
  • Skolkovo Scientific Advisory Council holds court at Stanford

    Skolkovo’s Scientific Advisory Council ended a whirlwind tour of American educational institutions this week by holding its quarterly meeting at Stanford University, where the prospects for Russian science, education and business came under scrutiny....

    06 November, 10:23 Nowak David