• Biomed Cluster to take on 30-40 agriculture projects – Kirill Kaem

    Skolkovo’s Biomed Cluster is expecting around 30 to 40 agriculture-based startups to become residents in the coming months as the Russian government moves to encourage high-tech innovation in food production. Skolkovo VP Kirill Kaem, the executive...

    26 March, 15:10 Nowak David
  • Victor Vekselberg opens Russian Startup Tour in Rostov-on-Don

    The Russian Startup Tour got underway on Tuesday in Rostov-on-Don, where more than 100 fledgling copmanies have signed up to take part in the first of 12 two-day programs. Skolkovo's delegation was led by foundation president Victor Vekselberg, second...

    03 February, 10:23 Nowak David
  • Стартап-тур пришел в Ростов-на-Дону

    РОСТОВ-НА-ДОНУ. В крупнейшем городе Юга России открылся первый этап Всероссийского стартап-тура , самого масштабного в стране проекта по поиску перспективных инновационных команд. Роуд-шоу пройдет по десяти городам РФ, а также посетит Алма-Ату и Минск. Ростов...

    03 February, 9:41 Baklanov Mikhail